Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Cincinnati, 1828

...we speedily found that it was devoid of nearly all the accommodation that Europeans conceive necessary to decency and comfort. No pump, no cistern, no drain of any kind, no dustman's cart, or any other visible means of getting rid of the rubbish, which vanishes with such celerity in London, that one has no time to think of its existence; but which accumulated so rapidly at Cincinnati, that I sent for my landlord to know in what manner refuse of all kinds was to be disposed of.

"Your Help will just have to fix them all into the middle of the street, but you must mind, old woman, that it is the middle. I expect you don't know as we have got a law what forbids throwing such things at the sides of the streets; they must just all be cast right into the middle, and the pigs soon takes them off."

- Domestic Manners of the Americans, by Fanny Trollope
This unity of purpose, backed by the spirit of enterprise, and joined with an acuteness and total absence of probity, where interest is concerned, which might set canny Yorkshire at defiance, may well go far towards obtaining its purpose.
– Вот уж этого я не говорил, Иван Иванович! Ей-богу, не говорил! Извольте рассудить по чистой совести сами: вам, без всякого сомнения известно, что, согласно с видами начальства, запрещено в городе, тем же паче в главных градских улицах, прогуливаться нечистым животным. Согласитесь сами, что это дело запрещенное.

– Бог знает что это вы говорите! Большая важность, что свинья вышла на улицу!

- Гоголь Н.В. Повесть о том, как поссорился Иван Иванович с Иваном Никифоровичем, 1835

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