Murkowski to vote against calling witnesses in impeachment trial

и в тот же день

и на 4 года раньше, 7 июня 2016-го, in New Statesman

Эта ваша Билли Айлиш не то, чтобы вторична, в чем было бы еще полбеды. ... Так вот, самое омерзительное в этой Билли - претенциозность. Вполне себе среднестатистическая телка без голоса и особых музыкальных талантов имеет на лбу крупную надпись "индивидуальность" и розовые волосы
Герцен не эмигрировал, не полагал начало русской эмиграции; нет, он так уж и родился эмигрантом. Они все, ему подобные, так прямо и рождались у нас эмигрантами, хотя большинство их не выезжало из России.
- Дневник писателя. 1873 год, Ф.М. Достоевский
французское барокко мрачнее итальянского и даже немецкогоAs of 1737 Naudot was a member of the Masonic lodges Sainte-Geneviève and Coustos-Villeroy in Paris. Along with three of his Masonic brethren, he was briefly jailed in the prison of For-l'Évêque during the anti-Masonic persecutions of 1740. Naudot dedicated several of his works to the Count of Clermont who became the grand master of the Masonic lodge in 1743.
Скажите, а это очень важно - подлинник посетитель видит в музее или хорошо сделанную копию, если без экспертизы это определить невозможно?
То есть вот это вот все в плане цены за подлинность для кого имеет значение? Смотрите ли вы на подлинник за миллионы долларов или хорошую копию за тысячи?
Типа вида из окна в пелевинском снаффе для меня, наверное.
Но как вы думаете?
- Olga Hanninen
Chairman Adam Schiff is right about one thing. There IS a cover-up going on. He covered up:
→ His contact with the whistleblower.
→ The fact that there was no evidence of Russia collusion.
→ The truth from coming out by keeping witnesses from answering GOP questions.
- Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader
very funny section on Treasure SeekersThe Readers’ Circle continued to flourish, and other “book clubs” of the kind were started to sow and reap in the rich field it had opened....
...the Russian had long spells of illness, during which he would write Flagler for more money, and, if he failed to get it, send his wife, who would wait in the reception room for hours and then so desolate Flagler with the cadences of her low-pitched Musorgskian voice that he would give her another check....
What Warren ought to do is to publish one of those deadly symposiums asking various literary men to make statements on the situation. Symposiums are reassuring : the point is that if you propound a question and print enough answers to it — it doesn’t matter how absurd or contradictory they are -- people somehow get the impression that the problem has been satisfactorily dealt with....
“Personally, I’m absolutely sick of the whole damned literary racket — when you come right down to it, what is it but huckstering in a lot of greasy daydreams?
Across Cultures Girls tend to Play with Dolls and Boys with Wheeled Toys and Pretend Weaponry. This Pattern is found in 2 Species of Monkeys in the Lab and now an echo of the same in Wild Chimps (via Finuras) - Robert L. Trivers @TriversRobertmany interesting links in the comments
Cognitive segregation reified in a Tweet! Also known as the Pauline Kael effect: "How can Nixon have won?" she said in 1968. "Nobody I know voted for him." She was a film critic for the New Yorker. - Charles Murray @charlesmurraya few relevant links:
Людоед, перейдя на картофель,это нащет диеты
Исхудал от нехватки жиров, –
И его заострившийся профиль
Агрессивен вдруг стал и суров.
- Вадим Шефнер
Philosophical Psychology published a paper trumpeting “race science.” Some have called for it to be retracted. I fear (again) a larger backlash against those calling for its retraction is mounting. I hope those who are defending free speech remember ALSO to denounce the paper. @jasonintrator
I call upon philosophers to boycott the journal Philosophical Psychology until such time as they retract Cofnas's race science paper and formulate a plan to more competently referee submissions in the future. @moral_psych
Цитата, о которой очень не любят вспоминать "искусствоведы" по известным причинам. Слова, которые Пикассо произнес во время празднования своего юбилея (90 лет) в 1971 году:see I Am Only a Public Entertainer Who Has Understood His Times @ Quote Investigator
«… Многие становятся художниками по причинам, имеющим мало общего с искусством. Богачи требуют нового, оригинального, скандального. И я, начиная от кубизма, развлекал этих господ несуразностями, и чем меньше их понимали, тем больше было у меня славы и денег. Сейчас я известен и очень богат, но когда остаюсь наедине с собой, у меня не хватает смелости увидеть в себе художника в великом значении слова; я всего лишь клоун, шут (развлекатель публики), понявший время. Это горько и больно, но это правда…»
- fb
- Я богат, потому что мир полон кретинов...Сальвадор Дали.
Pompeo said, “President Trump and those of us in his national security team are re-establishing deterrence – real deterrence ‒ against the Islamic Republic.”Pompeo says killing of Suleimani is part of 'bigger strategy' to deter US foes:
Qassem Suleimani was killed as part of a broader strategy of deterring challenges by US foes that also applies to China and Russia, the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has said, further diluting the assertion that the senior Iranian general was targeted because he was plotting imminent attacks on US assets.Шойгу, прячься
Don’t listen to them. Bill Barr is as we speak preparing the EO that will impose theocracy and replace Congress with the College of Cardinals. @jneeley78another one, unrelated but funny:
Students at Sheffield University are being paid £9.34 per hour to report on their fellow students.
This is tremendous progress as in the Soviet Union, these roles were unpaid. @KonstantinKisin
см. также Марбургские файлы (Marburg Files), Эдуард VIII (Edward VIII) и München etc
My uncle writes me that he wants me to go in for all the experiences of college life, but I believe in choosing your experiences.from dictionary: carry a torch
He had got the job through Jinx Ames, the daughter of a Morgan partner, who had had some success as a torch singer...
On the walls were German colored reproductions of Giorgiones and Botticellis, and an Italian Annunciation...история с Анной напоминает In Love, а в остальном похоже на Генри Джеймса, которого я в свое время ниасилил. но по сравнению с Генри Джеймсом Уилсон гораздо более down to earth и более ироничен. ну и Набоков еще.
She was cute: when I had liberated one little breast and was about to proceed to the other, she said with coquetry: "Only one!"
She is now so responsive to my kissing her breasts that I can make her have a climax in that way.
Then her birthday came around, and it was another dreadful ordeal: they insisted on giving her presents in spite of her begging them not to. She had never learned how to thank people, make a fuss about things the way they did: “Oh, Aunt Alice, how beautiful! — how sweet you are to give me that!” — her people never said those things. this point he quietly disappeared and didn’t come back fbr some time, while Mrs. Dilling and I had a very pleasant conversation about our favorite movie stars. Presently Jack reappeared, looking green around the gills....
“Wasn’t he sympathetic when you were ill?” “He kept wanting me to try to get up and do without the brace. He didn’t want to believe it was really bad because he didn’t want to think he was to blame.” [история про отца и падение с лошади напоминает Галковского "через немогу"]...
She had in a sense never even been Americanized — that is, she had never been vulgarized as many children of immigrants are, who, in adapting themselves to our cities, had acquired bad manners and a blatancy that, for some reason, seemed much more offensive than any mere peasant crudeness of their parents. last I heard Imogen’s voice as indistinct as a disembodied spirit that can hardly get through from the other world and as guarded and non-committal as a political prisoner of the Fascists who is allowed to see a newspaper interviewer.She was one of those exasperating women who are extremely dependent on men yet spend the major part of their lives repudiating them or trying to take them down.
Из женского разговора.
- Пробовала одну диету: два дня держалась, на третий чуть концы не отдала.
- Я тоже: неделю на диете, потом месяц у гастроэнтеролога.
- Но ты не бросаешь?
- Конечно, нет: здоровье ни за какие деньги не купишь.
- Я тоже.
There ain't nothing I can do or nothing I can sayBessie Smith (April 15, 1894 – September 26, 1937) was an American blues singer. Nicknamed the Empress of the Blues, she was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s. She is often regarded as one of the greatest singers of her era and was a major influence on fellow blues singers, as well as jazz vocalists.
That folks don't criticize me
But I'm goin' to do just as I want to anyway
And don't care if they all despise me
If I should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
'T ain't nobody's bizness if I do, do, do, do
If I go to church on Sunday
Then just sing the shimmy down on Monday
Ain't nobody's bizness if I do, if I do
If my friend ain't got no money
And I say, "take all mine, honey"
'T ain't nobody's bizness if I do, do, do, do
If I give him my last nickel
And it leaves me in a pickle
'T ain't nobody's bizness if I do,…
Хитрость в сочетании с глупостью — явление чисто детское.см. также «Мелкие недостатки механизма» [на самом деле - маленькие]
И само со-знание надо бы писать не единым словом, а отделять наше знание от чего-то общего, с которым оно со-единено.
«Все привилегии только по ведомости», — как говорит наш бухгалтер Аминодав Моисеевич Русишер.
Мудрые пословицы и поговорки не смогли помочь крестьянству понять собственные интересы, а нравы, царившие в общине, превратили крестьянского парня в самого лучшего и самого исполнительного охранника, образец которого дан Глебом Успенским в очерке «Мелкие недостатки механизма». Очерке о крестьянском парне, который, нанявшись караулить купеческий сарай, в избытке усердия и недостатке со-знания дубиной убил проходившего мимо нищего.