Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Shock and awe?

зачем Асад применил химческое оружие? этому вопросу не уделяется излишнего внимания. однако любознательная газета The Guardian решила разобраться: Syria nerve agent attack: why it made sense to Assad

среди прочего газета приводит такое интересное объяснение:
Joshua Landis, a long-time Syria observer and director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, said chemical weapons could be attractive to a leader running low on military alternatives.

“I think Assad and his generals want to win and have a depleted and exhausted army,” Joshua Landis said, when asked on Twitter if he thought the Syrian leader would have used chemical weapons.

“Using atom bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima helped the US to win [the second world war]. Neither city had military value. Demonstration effect. Shock and awe?”

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