Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Confederacy of Dunces

A Confederacy of Dunces - overrated

. too much of eye dialect (Burma Jones, Angelo Mancuso having cold, etc)
. preposterous: Manusco in the toilet booth, endless story about selling hot dogs etc, Ignatius character in general
. too long and not funny notes by Ignatius (letters by Myrna Minkoff are somewhat better)
. too much and not funny Negro complaints by Burma Jones
. senseless and boring story about riot at Levy Pants

well, reading this book is giving me even more masochistic pleasure than reading Aurora. but i'll finish it, i promise. no matter fucking what.

see also The Joy of Hate Reading

so far the best line is How Myrna would gnaw at her espresso cup rim in envy. - pg 292

letters from Minkoff minx are pretty good i have to admit


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