Monday, March 6, 2017

Cato Street Conspiracy

The Cato Street Conspiracy was an attempt to murder all the British cabinet ministers and Prime Minister Lord Liverpool in 1820. ... After the bodies had hung for half an hour, they were lowered one at a time and an unidentified individual in a black mask decapitated them against an angled block with a small knife. Each beheading was accompanied by shouts, booing and hissing from the crowd and each head was displayed it to the assembled spectators, declaring it to be the head of a traitor, before placing it in the coffin with the remainder of the body.

это в просвещенной Британии в 1820-м

ср. с дикой самодержавной Россией в 1825-м

see also Peterloo Massacre (1819):
The Peterloo Massacre took place at St Peter's Field, Manchester, Lancashire, England on Monday 16 August 1819 when cavalry charged into a crowd of 60,000–80,000 who had gathered to demand the reform of parliamentary representation. ... The exact number of those killed and injured at Peterloo has never been established with certainty.[65] Sources claim 11–15 killed and 400–700 injured.
also Gordon Riots

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