Sunday, May 1, 2016

to limit the influence

New Hampshire Republicans try to limit Trump's convention influence:
New Hampshire’s Republican establishment is trying to limit the influence of Donald Trump supporters at the party’s crucial national convention in July despite the presidential frontrunner having won the state’s primary overwhelmingly.

In an email obtained by the Guardian, the state’s Republican leadership proposed a slate where the delegate chair and every committee slot would be filled by supporters of other candidates.
комментарии там не отключили, народ гуляет, уже почти 500.

интересно, что ни один источник кроме Guardian об этом ни слова пока.

upd 5/1 6:15 pm: вот первое независимое подтверждение: Updated: Dispute erupts within NH delegation to Republican National Convention [chairwoman Jennifer Horn]

upd 5/2: from and from The Guardian: New Hampshire halts controversial vote meant to limit Trump's delegate support

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