Sunday, May 15, 2016

Eddie blinked coolly

повторю: во всякой книге найдется две-три интересных фразы.
“Don't jerk me around,” he said. “God made all things. And once God went fishing. Jesus told him to go out to a deep hole and to get everybody in the boat so they wouldn't get their feet wet from the water. That day when Jesus went home there wasn't anything for lunch and He went to the grocery and there still wasn't anything.”

“Eddie, stop it,” his mother said. Then to us: “I've been sending him to Bible school to get him out of the house. I'm afraid he's mixed up. He's only four.”

Eddie blinked coolly. “Jesus went to God and said he wanted to have something to eat, for His own glory.”
собственно весь диалог на стр. 25 замечательно смешной и довольно жуткий.

интересно, что весть текст книги доступен в pdf на каком-то левом сайте: Black Wings Has My Angel

копия тут

ну а вообще книга очень слабая (пока что).

upd 5/21: total waste, preposterous, reads as a boy scout young adult junk what with interminable "ate our sandwiches and washed them down with hot cocoa". one cliché after another. absolutely unbelievable - like them finding parking spot for their trailer at this abandoned house...

неубедительно, вся история неубедительна и необязательна. подползание к шахте, ее падение - зачем? что сказать-то хотел, человек? он пугает, а мне не страшно.

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