@ a-dedushkin
см. также Москва и Тверь
'In Schmidinger’s case, he went cold turkey from adult material...'Guardian напоминает мне Комсомольскую правду советских времен. только тупее.
I don't wanna' come off as an expert, but here in the Midwest that's affectionately known as 'cold jerky'.
I had an online porn problem for a while.
But then I paid my broadband bill and now things are back to normal.
Не будешь же ты меня убеждать, что не попробовал веревки или молотка? А чернильницей, случайно, не бросался, как Лютер? Нет? Э, - поморщился он, - да ты парень что надо. Даже умывальник цел. [умывальник на космической станции, ага - вс] Голову разбить вообще не пробовал, в комнате полный порядок. Значит, раз-два - засадил, выстрелил, и готово? - Снаут взглянул на часы и закончил: - Какие-нибудь два, а может, и три часа у нас теперь есть. - Солярисвот вспомнил опять. жуткая сцена когда она ломает дверь. и когда рвется к нему из ракеты...
Any transformation that is not forbidden by the laws of physics can be achieved given the requisite knowledge. - Life without design by Chiara Marlettowhat a phenomenal fatuous piece of junk. I clearly remember this David Deutsch. I even read his The Fabric of Reality. He should be compared with David Birnbaum.
I couldn't agree more, this article is pseudoscience garbage.[see Prigogine saying ...life starting out of chaos with the same inevitability as we see a stone falling to the Earth.
...consider a pot of water being heated by a hotplate from underneath: if the hot plate is on low the heat will diffuse up through the water in a disorganized manner; but, at some critical temperature convection rolls will form spontaneously in the water. They form because the increase in energy dissipation wins out over the reduction in entropy induced by their formation.
This is exactly the mechanism driving the formation of life! The existence of life is not mysterious, it's inevitable!
Our guidance is to use climate change doubters for those who reject mainstream climate science and to avoid the use of skeptics or deniers.@ agasfer
А как по-русски сказать? Сомневатели?
усомнисты ближе к языковой традиции, см. уклонисты
сомневанцы - новояз, как попаданцы
Anything that crushes the garbage that is Gawker is worth it.
В России придуманы две универсальные болезни, у которых нет четких симптомов, как нет и лечения. Это вегето-сосудистая дистония и вялотекущая шизофрения. Кажется, вместе они и составляют загадку русского характера. @ therese-phil
We can now also begin to see that Modern Art enjoyed all the glories of the Consummation stage after the First World War not because it was "finally understood" or "finally appreciated" but rather because a few fashionable people discovered their own uses for it. - Tom Wolfe, The Painted Word
That is all well and good if we functioned as computers do, but McBeath and his colleagues gave a simpler account: to catch the ball, the player simply needs to keep moving in a way that keeps the ball in a constant visual relationship with respect to home plate and the surrounding scenery (technically, in a ‘linear optical trajectory’). This might sound complicated, but it is actually incredibly simple, and completely free of computations, representations and algorithms. - The empty brain by one Robert Epsteinот себя добавлю: yes, Robert Epstein's brain is empty. [Robert Epstein - a senior research psychologist (sic!) at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology]
But Epstein uses “computation” as if it’s synonymous with any sort of information-processing, in effect setting up a straw man: “The idea,” writes Epstein, “that humans must be information processors just because computers are information processors is just plain silly.” This argument, says Krakauer, “is so utterly confused that it’s almost not worth attending to.”
Camille Paglia on madam Clinton: “People don’t lay a glove on her,” she said. “The woman has never succeeded in any job, she’s created chaos after chaos, including now all of North Africa spilling its refugees into Europe, and it’s due to Hillary for taking out Gaddafi and not thinking about what would happen afterward.”там же она по Лине Данэм прошлась.
“I think she’s absolutely soulless,” she said. “I think she’s incompetent.”
Мизансцена такова: два прусских гренадёра и парижанки, - бабушка и внучки.see also here with text in English
Гренадёры, - "Дамы, есть приказ обесчестить всех парижанок! Без обид, ничего личного."
Внучки, - "Умоляем вас!!! Возьмите нас, но пощадите нашу бабушку!"
Старуха, - "Замолчите, бессовестные! У солдат - приказ!"
Ralph Nader: When asked what positive contributions Clinton has made to the 2016 campaign, Nader called her a "corporatist, militarist Democrat" who would have been defeated by Sanders if every state held an open primary.вполне вменяемый Ralph Nader, слушал его сегодня в Brian Lehrer Show
"She's going to win by dictatorship. Twenty-five percent of superdelegates are cronies, mostly. They weren't elected. They were there in order to stop somebody like Bernie Sanders, who would win by the vote," he says.
“Don't jerk me around,” he said. “God made all things. And once God went fishing. Jesus told him to go out to a deep hole and to get everybody in the boat so they wouldn't get their feet wet from the water. That day when Jesus went home there wasn't anything for lunch and He went to the grocery and there still wasn't anything.”собственно весь диалог на стр. 25 замечательно смешной и довольно жуткий.
“Eddie, stop it,” his mother said. Then to us: “I've been sending him to Bible school to get him out of the house. I'm afraid he's mixed up. He's only four.”
Eddie blinked coolly. “Jesus went to God and said he wanted to have something to eat, for His own glory.”
Julia Ioffe was forced to file a police report in Washington DC after receiving threats following a story she wrote about Melania Trump - dailymail.co.ukforced sounds good
Желание «быть хорошим без Христа» зиждется на двух ошибках. Во–первых, это вам не под силу, во–вторых, это не цель вашей жизни. Нельзя взобраться самому на высокую гору праведности, но если бы мы и взобрались, мы бы погибли во льдах и разреженном воздухе. Начиная с определенной высоты, не помогут ни ноги, ни топорик, ни веревка. Нужны крылья; дальше придется лететь.вот по этому отрывку видно, что он просто туповат. не самый страшный недостаток, конечно... плюс самомнение. эти качества всегда хорошо сочетаются.
- Разве нельзя быть хорошим человеком и без христианства?, К.С.Льюис
Assassination attempts and plots on Presidents of the United States have been numerous: more than 20 attempts to kill sitting and former presidents, as well as the Presidents-elect, are known. Four sitting presidents have been killed, all of them by gunshot. - Wiki
Hume treats humans as clever animals whose beliefs about most things are based on “custom,” in the form of a propensity to expect the future to resemble the past—a propensity, he argued, that is essential for the conduct of life, but cannot be provided with any sort of independent justification. - Who was David Hume
The book [Treatise - vs] did not dispute the fact that there was a difference between right and wrong; rather it maintained that this difference reflects humanity’s “internal Tastes and Sentiments”—which, according to Hume’s pamphlet, ought not to be received as a shocking idea.
“Why stop there?” asked Steven. “How about we make faculties more diverse by hiring idiots?” - A Confession of Liberal Intoleranceэто не я придумал, и написано это не в Drudge Report а в самой что ни на есть nyt
If you've got the money, I've got the timeyoutube / lyrics / Wiki
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
We'll make all the night spots, dance, drink beer and wine
If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time
Yes, we'll go honky tonkin' make every club in town
We'll go to the park where it's dark, we won't fool around
But if you run short of money, I'll run short of time
Cause you with no more money, honey, I've no more time
...if you really want to know what Facebook thinks of journalists and their craft, all you need to do is look at what happened when the company quietly assembled some to work on its secretive “trending news” project. The results aren’t pretty: According to five former members of Facebook’s trending news team—“news curators” as they’re known internally—Zuckerberg & Co. take a downright dim view of the industry and its talent. In interviews with Gizmodo, these former curators described grueling work conditions, humiliating treatment, and a secretive, imperious culture in which they were treated as disposable outsiders. After doing a tour in Facebook’s news trenches, almost all of them came to believe that they were there not to work, but to serve as training modules for Facebook’s algorithm.[emphasis mine - vs]
- Want to Know What Facebook Really Thinks of Journalists?
- Вот что, - Блок положил мне руку на плечо, - приходите ко мне как-нибудь на днях. Позвоните сначала. Приходите, - он покосился на дверь, - одни, без Георгия Ивановича... Он добрый, милый, но, - Блок широко улыбнулся, - очень уж... деятельный...
- Георгий Иванов. Китайские тени
New Hampshire’s Republican establishment is trying to limit the influence of Donald Trump supporters at the party’s crucial national convention in July despite the presidential frontrunner having won the state’s primary overwhelmingly.комментарии там не отключили, народ гуляет, уже почти 500.
In an email obtained by the Guardian, the state’s Republican leadership proposed a slate where the delegate chair and every committee slot would be filled by supporters of other candidates.