Monday, February 1, 2016

gifted broadcaster

еще одна статья про письма Бéрлина (см. также Berlin's relevance)
Was he one of the wisest men of his time, a leading liberal political philosopher and historian of ideas who influenced the way we think about the history of culture from the Enlightenment and Romanticism to modern liberalism? Or was he merely a gifted broadcaster, lecturer and raconteur? - Isaiah Berlin Affirming: Letters 1975-1997

Berlin could be a feline gossip. But he could also write the most sycophantic gush.
удивительно, что до сих пор издают такие книги, или вот такие как Dictionary of Untranslatables, 1344 страницы, дорогая редакцыя.

статья местами интересная, местами крайне раздражающая: At great cost to themselves these writers stood against Soviet Communism и тому подобное.

среди прочего упоминается The Philosophical Lexicon

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