Saturday, December 19, 2015

внести ясность

Трампа нам послало Провидение. чтобы мы поняли, что такое свободная пресса, раз и навсегда. никому, впрочем, дела нет.

Trump is sent to us by Heaven, to make us understand clearly what free press really is, once and for all. nobody cares though.

с подобной же целью небеса послали нам Star Wars - чтобы внести ясность.
"I loved it," said Tony Strickland, 57", "It didn't hit me I was seeing the movie until 30 minutes into the movie," said Brian Nguyen, 24", "It's truly thrilling, which you don't see anymore in movies today," said Jack Timmeny, 45", "That was exactly what I hoped it would be," said Andy Tillman, 30"

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