Молодой Франко
...ни один политический лидер двадцатого века не сделал столько для спасения евреев в годы Катастрофы, сколько - каудильо Франко, потомок сефардских евреев, маранов, раввинов, мореплавателей, дворян. - Каудильо Франко - последний маран, спаситель евреев
вот и некий Марк Штейнберг подтверждает
англоязычные источники are not so sure, but "I have absolute proof that Franco saved more than 60,000 Jews during World War II," says Rabbi Chaim Lipscitz of Brooklyn's Torah Vodaath and Mesitva rabbinical seminary. @Free Republic
see also Spanish Noblewoman, Daughter of Franco’s General, Accepts Judaism
Why was the Spanish leader-in so many other ways sympathetic to Nazi policies-so opposed to Hitler in the matter of anti-Semitism? Historians of the war have never been sure, and Franco has, typically, never explained. But it may have had something to do with the strong possibility that Franco himself is of Marrano descent, as so many other Spaniards are. Franco is a common Sephardic name, particularly among Sephardim from the island of Rhodes, and it all may mean that EI Caudillo is a distant connection of the beautiful Tory Franks sisters of Philadelphia. It may also explain Franco's refusal to accede to Hitler's attempts to come into Spain: perhaps he feared that he hinIself could become a victim of the Fiihrer's policies. - The Grandees: The Story of America's Sephardic Elite (Modern Jewish History)
см. также @galkovsky
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