29 April 1975: US navy personnel aboard the USS Blue Ridge push a helicopter into the sea off the coast of Vietnam in order to make room for more evacuation flights from Saigon. Photograph: AP - The Guardian
Вот если Эренбурга или Симонова
В дни боев за освобождение Харькова и Одессы
В Рейхсканцелярию вдруг пригласили бы
На встречу фюрера с представителями прессы?
- Смелые люди © emelind
Downtown, things'll be great when you'revia ohubelka
Downtown, no finer place for sure
Downtown, everything's waiting for you
- Petula Clark
Gang members and ministers met late into the night on Monday to discuss plans for bringing an end to an afternoon of rioting, looting and arson that lasted for hours on the streets of Baltimore. - The Blot Magazine
He's a novelty act, a sideshow, - says the reviewer, - here's too much of the clever graduate student in love with the tap-tap-tap of his typewriter.тут можно почитать этого Barthelme. но вообще-то не стоит, по-моему. the father of postmodern fiction my ass
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
- The Mourning Bride
I get too hungry for dinner at eight
I like the theater but never come late
I never bother with people I hate
That's why the lady is a tramp
I don't like crapgames with Barons and Earls
Won't go to Harlem in ermine and pearls
Won't dish the dirt with the rest of the girls
That's why the lady is a tramp
I like the free fresh wind in my hair
Life without care
I'm broke, it's oke
Hates California is cold and is damp
That's why the lady is a tramp
- Lyrics by Lorenz Hart
Извините, эта песня
Не новей, не интересней
Тех, что самый дальний предок распевал,
Таковы уж человеки:
Ныне, присно и вовеки
Воровство на этом свете правит бал!
Редьярд Киплинг, Основной итог
...but what incident, where flattery, even of a dubious nature, is involved, is ever over for a woman? - In Love, pg. 55
...for it is hardly natural for a woman to dispose of a man until accident or design has already provided her with the promise of another. - Ibid., pg. 55
Republicans by a ratio of more than 2-to-1 say the U.S. should support Israel even when its stances diverge with American interests, a new Bloomberg Politics poll finds. Democrats, by roughly the same ratio, say the opposite is true and that the U.S. must pursue its own interests over Israel's. - bloomberg.com
A master of men was the Goodly Fere,
A mate of the wind and sea.
If they think they ha’ slain our Goodly Fere
They are fools eternally.
- Ballad of the Goodly Fere By Ezra Pound
Yes, birth order exerts a modest but extremely interesting effect on political orientation, and Frank Sulloway’s research has been enormously helpful in this area. A meta-analysis of many studies on the topic has shown that later-borns are between 20 and 43 percent more likely than first-borns to support a liberal political position, to back a liberal candidate, or to campaign for a liberal social cause. - The Evolutionary Origins of Politics
The damning truth about Snowden: Traitor who put Western lives at risk from terrorists reveals he didn't even read all the top-secret files he leaked.что-то синхронный наезд сегодня в новостях обнаружился на парнишку. отмашка из вашигтонского обкома поступила? или это скульптура в парке навеяла?
с четырех сторон -- хоть живот крести;хотя снят не так и скверно, цвет - очень искусная имитация/аллюзия на Technicolor
с точки зренья ворон, с пяти.
Had only Gresham known of the paper Freud delivered at the Conference of the Central Committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association in September 1921. In it, Freud declared: "It no longer seems possible to brush aside the study of so-called occult facts; of things which seem to vouchsafe the real existence of psychic forces other than the known forces of the human and animal psyche, or which reveal mental faculties in which, until now, we did not believe."how very funny
На просьбу уточнить, почему в отличие от Виктора Януковича президент Йемена Абд Раббо Мансур Хади, бежавший из собственной столицы под угрозой расправы со стороны вооруженной оппозиции, был и остается в глазах США законным главой государства, Харф сказала, что тот не "бежал", а "был вынужден (скрыться), поскольку хоуситы (шиитские мятежники) последовательно захватывали части столицы, затем (всю) столицу и затем другую территорию Йемена".
Anna Holmes cataloged the “hoary ideas of womanhood” on display in her Brooklyn neighborhood, which has “overpriced boutiques filled with one-of-a-kind maternity clothes and hundred-dollar sets of receiving blankets made of ‘all-organic cotton.’ ”в тексте много ссылок на источники из современной культуры, познавательно. Stepford moms, к примеру.
Laura Kipnis wrote about her “profound dread of being conscripted into the community of other mothers — the sociality of the playground and day-care center, and at the endless activities and lessons that are de rigueur in today’s codes of upper-middle-class parenting.”
Словно в зареве пожара
Я увидел на заре,
Как прошла богиня Тара,
Вся сияя, по горе.
- La nuit blanche, Редьярд Киплинг
I had seen, as the dawn was breaking
And I staggered to my rest,
Tari Devi softly shaking
From the Cart Road to the crest.
- La nuit blanche, Rudyard Kipling
А в городе (видел я) теленок бежал за участковым надзирателем, за портфелем (тот под мышкой держал). Бежит, шлепает губами, пожевать, что ли, хотел... Такая картина: изгородь, лужица, надзиратель шагает в красной шапке, честь честью, а теленок прицеливается к портфелю. Противоречия, понимаешь ли.спектакль сделан с пониманием. без ошибок.
А фамилия Кавалеров мне нравится: она высокопарна и низкопробна. Кавалеров подумал: «Я и есть высокопарный и низкопробный».
Я вспомнил: родительская спальня, и я, мальчик, смотрю на меняющего рубашку отца.
No video or audio from the cellphones of those aboard the plane has been released publicly. But a French reporter who says he saw video from one cellphone described the excruciating sound of "screaming and screaming" as the plane flew full-speed into the mountain.
Questions persist about journalist Frederic Helbert's reports in the French magazine Paris-Match and in the German tabloid Bild this week about the video that he says he saw, but Helbert vigorously defended his reports in an interview Thursday with The Associated Press.