Wednesday, May 4, 2011

world is celebrating

Two men from Tilburg have attempted to make a formal report of the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by the US to their local police station, the Brabants Dagblad reports on Wednesday.

Tilburg police refused to accept the case but did make a note of the complaint, the paper says.

Ruud Snoeren, 30, and Terry Flohr, 29, say they are extremely angry at the way the killing of Bin Laden and others at the compound in Pakistan is being celebrated.

Snoeren, who studied law, told the paper: ‘There is a murderer who has admitted the deed on television and who dumped the evidence at sea. And the whole world is celebrating.’

The men’s local police station declined to take their statements but did suggest they contact the International Criminal Court in The Hague. However, Snoeren told the paper, the ICC is not recognised by the US.


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