Saturday, February 5, 2011

muscular liberalism

Cameron signs up to muscular liberalism: "State multiculturalism has failed." Angela Merkel put voice to that sentiment last October. Now it David Cameron's turn to do the same. In a speech in Munich today, the Prime Minister has taken a rhetorical torch to Islamic extremism. "Frankly," he says, "we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism." It is, at the very least, a significant political moment.
а ведь кое-кто давно говорил, что добро должно быть с кулаками (да-да, и Куняев - тоже), а некоторые товарищи долго сомневались. но вот настал момент истины.

см. также Британский премьер осудил политику мультикультурализма

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