Monday, March 15, 2010

еще смешных новостей

Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - кто бы мог подумать. собственно, в этом духе и комментируют. "What a surprise! Rogue elements in a out of control rogue not-so-superpower. A 20% unemployment rate; crumbling infrastructure; escalating debt and a totally corrupt government and judiciary dancing on the tunes of corporate powers."

ах какие циничные американцы!

и продолжение про Израиль: ''It's hard to see how spending a weekend condemning Israel for a zoning decision in its capital city amounts to a positive step towards peace,'' said Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan. He complained that the administration was attacking a ''staunch ally and friend'' when it should be focusing on the threat posed by Iran's nuclear problem. - US Israel Criticism Ignites Firestorm in Congress

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