утверждают, что это - Уличное искусство из Тбилиси
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More males than females exhibit math tilt (math > verbal); more females than males exhibit verbal tilt (verbal > math). The differences are more pronounced among higher achievers.see @ sciencedirect.com
Все знают, что если у человека нет одного из чувств, то все его остальные чувства усиливаются. Именно поэтому у людей без чувства юмора так сильно чувство уверенности в себе.
- народ
Часто недостаток логики у человека компенсируется избытком воображения. - народ
this has to do with determinism, obviously, but i could not find any reference to Kovalevskaya findings anywhere else.While studying rigid-body dynamics, Kovalevskaya produced two major results. The first was an example of a spinning top whose motion could be completely analyzed and solved, in the same sense that Newton had solved the two-body problem. Two other such "integrable tops" were already known, but hers was more subtle d surprising.
More important, she proved that no other solvable tops could exist. She had found the last one. Ail others from then on would non-integrable, meaning that their dynamics would be impossible to solve with Newtonian-style formulas. It wasn't a matter of insufficient cleverness; she proved that there simply couldn't be any formulas of a certain type (in the jargon, a meromorphic function of time) that could describe the motion of the top forever. In this way, she put limits on what calculus could do. If even a spinning top could defy Laplace's demon, there was no hope — even in principle - of finding a formula for the fate of the universe.
ну как же без прощального пинкаOn the international stage, May hyped the Russia threat, adopting all the standard lines about how Moscow was seeking to “sow discord” in the West, using it as a distraction to cover for her own suffering approval ratings — and as a pathetic attempt to recover some of Britain’s own international standing, which has been steadily slipping away. In the aftermath of the Skripal poisoning in March 2018, May prompted a coordinated mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from across Europe, the US and Canada without a shred of solid evidence that Moscow was behind the incident.
подтверждается British Dental Association in Waterloo teeth:Вечером 18 июня 1815 года, когда битва при Ватерлоо завершилась поражением французов, по полю сражения начали сновать мародеры, повествует El Mundo. На земле были распростерты тела раненых и убитых - всего около 50 тыс. человек, отмечает журналист Гонсало Ухидос.
Мародеры не брезговали рыться в карманах изорванных мундиров, забирая все мало-мальски ценное. "Но главным образом эти стервятники выискивали здоровые человеческие зубы - сырье для зубных протезов, которые охотно приобретались состоятельными людьми", - пишет автор.
- "Зубы Ватерлоо" шли нарасхват
If you wanted a really nice set of dentures these were made with an ivory base and then set with real human teeth.
These were expensive as it could take six weeks to make a complete set. They have subsequently become known as 'Waterloo teeth', as some were scavenged from dead soldiers on battlefields.
[1227 фактов, от которых вы обалдеете / 1,227 Quite Interesting Facts to Blow Your Socks Off]В XIX и начале XX века удаление всех зубов и замена их на вставные было популярным подарком на 21-летие.
Вранье или нет?
...in the early 20th century dentistry was still so expensive that some people chose to have all their teeth pulled to spare themselves a lifetime of pain.“Having all your teeth removed was considered the perfect gift for a 21st birthday or a newly married bride.” - Nothing but the tooth: The history of dentistry in Britain
And not all class teams worth “faking it until you make it,” Dr. Belmi mentioned. “I grew up in the Philippines with the idea that if you have nothing to say, just shut up and listen.”see also comments in nyt and ycombinator.com
по последним данным Россия занимает 131 строчку в списке стран по алфавиту. наши соседи- Румыния и Руанда. а ты продолжай делать вид, что всё хорошо! - Hagnir Adharson
Mel Gibson has been forced to deny that his new film "Rothchild" is based on the wealthy Jewish "Rothschild" banking dynasty.
The actor's standing in Hollywood was severely damaged over a decade ago after he launched an anti-Semitic rant at a police officer, in which he yelled "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!"
Gibson's film career has been slowly re-emerging but he set off a new controversy after deciding to take the role of a family patriarch called Whitelaw Rothchild, the villain in a dark satire about an exorbitantly rich New York family.
Regime type influences the likelihood of fearmongering. In particular, it is more likely in democracies than autocracies, because leaders are more beholden to public opinion in democratic states.и дальше там про offshore balancers интересно.
French government in February 2005 ... mandated that high school history courses and textbooks must henceforth emphasize the positive aspects of French colonialism. [see France is haunted by an inability to confront its past]see French law on colonialism
Believe me, pretty mama,это Ingram поет в баре
It's not just me, I know.
Believe me pretty mama,
It's not just me,
I just cannot make this jungle
Outside my front door.
- Existentialism, Film Noir, and Hard-Boiled Fiction
And if nobody loves you
And you feel like dust on an empty shelf
Just remember
You can love yourself
- Keb' Mo', You Can Love Yourself
New term proposal for a type of motivated skepticism: Hate Read. Hate reading is when you meticulously read an article with conclusions you hate so you can discover its flaws and thus disregard the conclusion. - @ImHardcory
Some people also hate-follow on twitter - @Scientific_Bird
In British newspapers, there is a longstanding technique of obscuring a paucity of evidence in support of a preposterous thesis by posing it as a question. It’s been dubbed by the political commentator John Rentoul “Questions to Which the Answer is No” (QTWAIN). - Conspiracism at the Atlanticnot just in British though, and not just in the newspapers. i saw it used liberally in Messing With the Enemy
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With my attorney Bernie
He buys wine
From the rare imported rack
That's 'cause Bernie is a purist
And not your polyester tourist
Bernie waves the glass around awhile
Then takes a sip and always sends it back
Dave Frishberg: My Attorney Bernie Lyrics
Сборник японской неклассической драматургии,
опровергающий, что сансара - это другие:
эдоской ночью три самурая выходят из бара,
все влюблены в певичку, лучшую в Ёсивара,
нет никого, тишина, и только две пары гэта
жмутся друг к другу в блеклых лучах закатного света.
Вообще польские женщины любезны, умеют нравиться и любить нежно, со всеми утонченностями романтической страсти, и хотя постоянство не составляет главной черты их характера, но в любви до того ли, чтобы думать о таких отвлеченностях?
- Иван Иванович Выжигин
Обнажённая грудь не воспринималась обществом как нечто шокирующее. Как и у Тициана в его «Венере Урбинской», это скорее всего символ «Venus pudica» — Венеры благопристойной, а также символ невесты.nicknamed la bella Simonetta... She was known as the greatest beauty of her age in Northern Italy. что тут скажешь... не Кардашьян, это уж точно. очень красивая женщина.
Симонетта, по свидетельству современников, была удивительно умной и рассудительной женщиной.
кроме того много познавательного: Minnesota nice, white knuckling - понятно, но я не встречал раньше.However, books on how optimism can be learned make millionaires out of their authors. They tell us that the key to happiness is positivity, and that the key to positivity is cheerfulness. The aorta of the US economy pumps out optimism, positivity and cheerfulness while various veins carry back US dollars naively invested in schemes designed to get rich quick, emotionally speaking.
Ранее Глазьев в авторском блоге написал, что не исключает возможности массового переезда на юго-восток Украины жителей Земли обетованной, уставших от перманентной войны на Ближнем Востоке.это про Оккупация
В свою очередь, пресс-секретарь главы государства Дмитрий Песков заявил, что высказывание Глазьева является его личным мнением и не обсуждается в Кремле.
Однажды знаменитый шахматист Марк Тайманов увидел в квартире не менее знаменитого Дмитрия Шостаковича портрет Бетховена, а рядом - Матвея Блантера. Шостакович так пояснил соседство: "Это Мотя принес свой портрет и повесил. Ну и пусть висит".
also Who Is This Girl Making Love to the Canine Hero Yatsufusa? - очень познавательно
интересно становится начиная с Chapter 8, The Mechanistic Egg and the Intelligent EggHumans were more complicated mechanisms than aphids, of course, but even theirs “wishes and hopes, disappointments and sufferings have their source in instincts which are comparable to the light instinct of the heliotropic animals”: a need for food, an instinct for sex “with its poetry and its chain of consequences, the maternal instincts with the felicity and the suffering caused by them” [Jacques Loeb]. - pg 292
- The Restless Clock
В тот год семейство Эстерхази задержалось в их летнем дворце, где было достаточно прохладно. Музыканты страдали от холода и болезней. Гайдн решил намекнуть князю, что пора уезжать, с помощью музыки.это по Sirius передавали, а потом там же C.P.E. Bach - Symphony For Strings in B Minor Wq. 182/5 [youtube]
Evelyn Waugh thought the novel [Lolita - vs] without merit, except as smut. (On which count it was "highly exciting." To E.M. Forster those same pages were "rather a bore.") - nytvia