Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ideology as Biology

Here he cited “common knowledge” of “negatively correlated personality and intellectual gifts” (i.e., the assumption that highly intelligent people are less pleasant and vice-versa). ... Wilson’s condescension in claiming that while natural selection could explain intelligence, intelligence doesn’t make one happy, reeks of the kind of temporizing paternalism invoked during the days of slavery and Jim Crow. -- Ideology as Biology
hit piece в чистом виде, особенно забавно, что эти ребята пишут demonstrators dumped a glass of water over Wilson’s head. это учитывая, что этот эпизод хорошо известен: protesters dumped a pitcher of ice water on Wilson’s head while he was speaking at a scientific meeting in 1978. [nyt,]

там упоминаются еще два блядских hit pieces про Э.О. Уилсона: The Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson и “The Last Refuge of Scoundrels”

upd. 4/29/22: Was the Great Scientist E. O. Wilson a Racist? NO! - reply by @michaelshermer

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