. Britain is supplying Ukraine with 'self-defence' weapons and military trainingтем временем ukdefencejournal.org.uk разъясняет для невежд, что The reality is that the UK did not ask Germany for permission in the first place.
. It's hoped to increase defensive capability ahead of a possible Russian invasion
. Defence minister Ben Wallace said the weapons will 'pose no threat to Russia'
. He said they will be to protect Ukraine in the face of any Russian aggression
. But Germany insist it will continue to refuse to provide Ukraine with weapons
. Flight data shows British aircraft avoiding German airspace en route to Ukraine

среди обширного пиздежа на эту тему стоит еще взглянуть на этот отрывок из материала в theaviationist.com:
In fact, it seems that the decision to avoid the German airspace was made deliberately by the RAF planners, and the British C-17s were not really forced to fly around the German territory: aircraft carrying specific kinds of cargo and/or weapons require a dedicated clearance that the UK did not apply for (for reasons yet to be disclosed – although time might have been a factor here); hence the route avoiding the German airspace.reasons yet to be disclosed my ass. даже businessinsider пишет ясно: Germany had declined to send military support to Ukraine and blocked NATO shipments to Kyiv.
все это - точно как в советской прессе: чем больше пиздежа, тем меньше правды.
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