Well put. The guy’s got a way with words. The only thing I can’t figure out is why he says that “bull—- receptivity is not a positive thing.” It’s been good for him, no? - Thinking fast, slow, and not at all

это все через avva - что ж, и на старуху бывает проруха - есть пословица с обратным смыслом? с паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок не совсем подходит.
this Andrew Gelman guy - professor of statistics and political science (sic!) - is wildly funny, smart and irreverent:
Anyway, that’s just a funny story, but it makes me wonder whether Roth had too much personal charm for his own good. He was such a captivating guy, it seems that he pulled lots of intelligent people into his reality distortion field. I mean, sure, I guess that Nobel Evening thing was kind of a joke in homage to Roth’s over-the-top, outrageous spirit, but still . . . maybe if he had a bit less charm, it would’ve served him better because then his friends could’ve told him to chill out about the damn prize.
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