Sunday, August 9, 2020

Genius & Anxiety

Genius and Anxiety: How Jews Changed the World, 1847–1947 by Norman Lebrecht

in the very beginning he says “what these transformers have in common is being Jewish, some by having Jewish parents, others by practicing the Jewish faith.”

this attracted not only my attention, in the Jewish Journal review Influential Jews Share in ‘Genius & Anxiety’ they also stumbled upon this statement.

First chapter is about Mendelssohn, Heine and Marx, deserves detailed analysis, but i have only Google Play Books version, so this will have to wait.

One thing which is worth mentioning - somehow there's no Heine's bio on amazon or anywhere else except Heinrich Heine: A Modern Biography (Princeton Legacy Library), which is offered for $160 the cheapest. paperback (published 2 years earlier!) is available (used) for $30. это информация к размышлению.

see also “Do Jews Think Differently?”: Aspects of Jewish Self-Glorification

...but the Rothschild banker emerges more powerful than ever. He is New York's first master of the universe, a man of limitless wealth who can put any politician in his pocket while maintaining a pretense of public good. - pg 41

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