Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mechanistic Conception of Life

Humans were more complicated mechanisms than aphids, of course, but even theirs “wishes and hopes, disappointments and sufferings have their source in instincts which are comparable to the light instinct of the heliotropic animals”: a need for food, an instinct for sex “with its poetry and its chain of consequences, the maternal instincts with the felicity and the suffering caused by them” [Jacques Loeb]. - pg 292

- The Restless Clock
интересно становится начиная с Chapter 8, The Mechanistic Egg and the Intelligent Egg

also see pg 332 Ibid on A machine ... Turing thought, arrive at something that looked like human intelligence. - курсив мой - вс

забавное совпадение, American Jewish writer Harold Loeb упоминается во вчерашней статье On Hemingway, Jews, and Masculinity. но они, похоже, не родственники с Jacques.

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