Monday, April 1, 2019

internal models

When we introspect ... our cognitive machinery is accessing internal models and those models are providing information that is wrong. - Are We Really Conscious? by Michael S. A. Graziano
as quoted in What makes you think you are conscious? An agnosticist manifesto by Cees van Leeuwen

no need to even talk about right or wrong - it's enough to know that this information pertains to internal models

here's from What makes you think you are conscious?:
Perhaps another reason for reluctance in addressing “what-it-is-likeness” is the discrepancy, highlighted by philosophers, between private certainty (Descartes) and public inaccessibility (Wittgenstein).
see also Alief (mental state)

далее у van Leeuwen:
Broadly speaking, brain activity sustains the processes that together make up our mental life, cognition, and behavior. In order to do so in an intrinsically noisy system, brain activity needs to be geared towards stability; yet instability is also needed, in order for the brain to efficiently detach itself from a given process.
Brains, basically, are networks of diffusively coupled nonlinear oscillators. - whatever that means...
The ongoing activation function leads to adaptive rewiring of network structure according to the Hebbian principle of “what fires together wires together”.
That brain connectivity has the characteristics of a small world is quite well-established

как говорил один мой знакомый, непонятно, но здорово

see also Beware of the Small-World Neuroscientist!

what-it-is-likeness, alief, itinerancy/traveling waves, small-world structure, Hebbian principle... чего тут только нет

ну и в Conclusions: None of this commits us to conscious experience as anything other than as a particularly stubborn belief, or alief.

via единая и неделимая

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