Sunday, January 8, 2017

too much - or not enough

последние дни просто не поспеть за идиотскими новостями, не говоря уже про всяческий макабр. скучно жить, мой Евгений...

ну что тут скажешь про
An Israeli embassy official has been caught on camera in an undercover sting plotting to “take down” MPs regarded as hostile, including foreign office minister Sir Alan Duncan, an outspoken supporter of a Palestinian state. - Israeli diplomat caught on camera plotting to 'take down' UK MPs
или вот ‘Clinton quite effective at discrediting herself, doesn’t need Putin’s help’ - ex CIA analyst

or take a look at stinking nyt, they buried 4 Die as Truck Rams Into Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem somewhre deep down their front page whereas German truck attack ran with bold typeface at the top of their front page for days. why? political fucking expediency.

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