Saturday, July 25, 2015


"But the relative harmony that prevailed there (in Croatia) since World War II was upset in the late 80's by an outburst of Croatian nationalism. Just as ethnic Albanians in Kosovo pressed the Serbian minority in that province of Serbia in the 1980s, so did Croats frighten and anger the Serbian minority here in what was then a republic in the Yugoslav Federation."
"The fall of Vucovar (in Croatia), though, was not simply a matter of Serbian agression. Like nearly everything in the Yugoslav wars, it was more complicated, more devious than that. President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia chose not to defend the city, apparently calculating that the destruction of such photogenic community would win international sympathy for his country."

from "In the Misery of Vukovar Lies an Awful Model for Postwar Kosovo" by Blaine Harden (New York Time Service)
see also
. The Peter Handke Controversy
. Peter Handke: the truth about sorrow…
. Peter Handke becomes honorary citizen of Belgrade [5/22/15]

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