Thursday, May 7, 2015

улыбнулся ль наконец

Inside the Ebola Wars - The New Yorker: Despite its ferocity in humans, Ebola is a life-form of mysterious simplicity. A particle of Ebola is made of only six structural proteins, locked together to become an object that resembles a strand of cooked spaghetti. An Ebola particle is only around eighty nanometres wide and a thousand nanometres long.
It has a special affinity for the cells lining the blood vessels, particularly in the liver. After about eighteen hours, the infected cell is releasing thousands of new Ebola particles, which sprout from the cell in threads, until the cell has the appearance of a ball of tangled yarn.

Улыбнулся ль наконец
Делу рук своих творец?

Неужели та же сила,
Та же мощная ладонь
И ягненка сотворила,
И тебя...

в некоторых статьях я бы не размещал cartoons, наверное. если уж картинки - то, скорее, из Гойи.

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