Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Twisted World

The world that I grew up thinking was bright and blissful was all over. I was living in a depraved world, and I didn’t want to accept it. I didn’t want to give any thought to it. That is why I immersed myself entirely into my online games like World of Warcraft. I felt safe there.
Halo 3 came out in November. I got my mother to buy it for me on the very day it was released. I had a lot of fun playing it while drinking the special mountain dew flavor that was released with the game; Mountain Dew Game Fuel, it was called.
Females truly have something mentally wrong with them. Their minds are flawed... All of the hot, beautiful girls walked around with obnoxious, tough jock-type men who partied all the time and acted crazy. They should be going for intelligent gentlemen such as myself. Women are sexually attracted to the wrong type of man. This is a major flaw in the very foundation of humanity. It is completely and utterly wrong, in every sense of the word. - My Twisted World
для примера - отрывки из статьи The 'Twisted World' of Elliot Rodger (American Thinker)
His father Peter Rodger was an aspiring British film director who uprooted Elliot from his native England when the boy was five and moved the family to Southern California.
This move was disruptive enough...
выделено мной - вс. это что же тут такого disruptive? почему uprooted? его увезли не из Уганды в Швецию все-таки... и в пять лет переезды еще не так уж и травмируют, наверное.
...the real disruption occurred two years later. Like so many Californians, Rodger’s mother and father divorced.
что тут скажешь...

слово fair встречается в тексте 41 раз.

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