Sunday, February 10, 2013

keep your chin up Hermann

оказывается речи Геринга, Гесса в Нюрнберге передавались по радио на весь мир.

Broadcast again live around the world, the Göring–Jackson duel began in earnest on Monday March 18. ... From all of this it is evident that the Göring–Jackson duel had torn Tribunal and prosecution asunder.

From all over the world fan mail poured into the prison addressed to the Reichsmarschall, with messages like ‘keep your chin up Hermann,’ and ‘good for you Hermann.’ He was not allowed to see the letters.

As Göring now began to speak from the witness stand on Wednesday March 13, the whole building was packed. The lion was not only fighting back, he erupted in glistening oratory, embellishing his answers with a ready humour that evoked gales of laughter from the public galleries. He hoped that somewhere out in the forests surrounding the city his wife and little girl were proud witnesses to this, his last stand. Millions of radio listeners around the world listened to the performance. In prison camps in Britain, across liberated Europe, and in America the men poured out into the open to cluster around the loudspeakers as ‘Hermann’s’ unmistakable voice echoed around their Quonset and Nissen huts. Former German prisoners-of-war have admitted to this author that they stood up and cheered, enthralled at the audio-spectacle of the Reichsmarschall fighting back for Germany. One Luftwaffe doctor who collected and digested the sparse news reports for fellow Luftwaffe officers interned at Latimer in Buckinghamshire observed that Göring won back much of his lost prestige at the interrogation centre on this day.

Boldest of all in his closing speech, delivered on August 31, was Rudolf Hess, who had hardly spoken during the trial. With his script broadcast around the world, he concluded with these words...
представим себе речи Милошевича, Хуссейна, Каддафи...

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