![]() 17°C Current: Overcast Wind: N at 10 km/h Humidity: 80% |
а вот в тот же час через сутки:
![]() 1°C Current: Mostly Cloudy Wind: W at 26 km/h Humidity: 42% |
![]() 17°C Current: Overcast Wind: N at 10 km/h Humidity: 80% |
![]() 1°C Current: Mostly Cloudy Wind: W at 26 km/h Humidity: 42% |
В.ПОЗНЕР: Когда окажешься перед Богом, что ты ему скажешь?
Ю.БАШМЕТ: Что я был уверен, что мы встретимся, что я его увижу. А когда ты увидишь дьявола, что ты ему скажешь?
Башмет у Познера
крысы в конечном итоге выбирали выигрышную стратегию... в этом случае шанс выигрыша и получения приза составляет 75%. ...люди ...Строят какие–то логические схемы, ... пытаются искать систему там, где ее нет. И как следствие — в результате получают выигрыш примерно в 60% случаев.
While the prosecution disposed of innumerable telephone lines and comprehensive transport facilities, the defense counsel had to share two telephones between them. A document mentioned one day by the prosecution in the courtroom was rushed to the prosecutors from Vienna to Nuremberg by airplane on the next; defense counsel enjoyed no such streamlined facilities. - David Irving, NUREMBERG - THE LAST BATTLE
«музыкант Сергей Никитин осудил Юрия Башмета за поддержку Путина»... как справедливо заметил один мой умный ехидный коллега, «Никитин – музыкант. Шевчук – музыкант. И вообще, каждый суслик – агроном»
...любопытно, как сейчас «известный музыкант» (и, действительно, не худший в своё время бард) Сергей Никитин относится к человеку, без песен на стихи которого они с женой так бы и остались «известными» в рамках исключительно какого-нибудь КСП города Мухосранска.
© Дмитрий Лекух
The U.S./Soviet military balance was not bad from our standpoint in 1960. This country's deterrent threats and defensive contingents were credible in most respects. ... In short, U.S. Armed Services, assisted by allies, held Soviet forces in check across the conflict spectrum. Reserves were on tap to contend with contingencies where the Kremlin could not reach.
The leader of the government regularly sits down with his senior generals and spies and advisers and reviews a list of the people they want him to authorize their agents to kill. They do this every Tuesday morning when the leader is in town. The leader once condemned any practice even close to this, but now relishes the killing because he has convinced himself that it is a sane and sterile way to keep his country safe and himself in power. The leader, who is running for re-election, even invited his campaign manager to join the group that decides whom to kill. ... Can the president legally do this? In a word: No. - President Obama's secret kill list[выделено мной - вс]
"Гляньте, Софи, правда, лучше Пушкина?" - а сам сзади костыль держит. Она прочла и говорит: "Нет, Левушка, гораздо хуже. А чье это?" Тут он ее по башке - трах! С тех пор он всегда полагался на ее литературный вкус.
upd: 01/13/21: Unbelievably, 8 years have gone by. RIP my darling boy. - это его мама.
Handed the indictment, Dr Robert Ley’s first reaction was to ask for defence counsel, preferably ‘a respectable Jewish attorney.’ - Ibid.
General Eisenhower had turned down the requests of the British judges, Lawrence and Birkett, to bring their wives over from England into his theatre. Both were gloomy about it, and threatened repercussions through the Foreign Office; but the supreme commander probably feared even worse repercussions if Mamie were allowed to come over, and stood firm against creating any precedent.
Коллега посетил в офисном центре туалет. Пока он заседал в кабинке, некие дамы в предбаннике, готовясь, по всей видимости, к вечеринке, мыли огурцы. И обсуждали их. Теперь коллега лежит на диване лицом вниз и всхипывает, утверждая, что ничего подобного никогда не слышал. и он вынужден пересмотреть всю свою жизнь. - zloy-alex
Yet when the British war minister warned the cabinet that there were ‘obvious political reasons’ why Britain could not give any of her German prisoners to the Soviet Union, Lord Cherwell – famous for his role in advocating the unrestricted bombing of civilians in 1942 – discounted this and wrote to Churchill a week after the war ended recommending that ‘the Germans can be used in gangs and the ardent Nazis transferred to the Russians, who, I am sure, will be able to alter their views.’ - David Irving, NUREMBERG, THE LAST BATTLE [pdf]
"The Americans ... have invented so wide a range of pithy and hackneyed phrases that they can carry on an amusing and animated conversation without giving a moment's reflection to what they are saying and so leave their minds free to consider the more important matters of big business and fornication." -- Somerset Maugham
more at futilitycloset.com
Министр иностранных дел Швеции в пятницу вечером написал в своем блоге, что Москва при помощи экономического шантажа пытается заставить Киев изменить свой политический курс. - Желто-синяя солидарность
advocated the "area" bombing of German cities during World War II... believed that a small circle of the intelligent and the aristocratic should run the world, resulting in a peaceable and stable society, "led by supermen and served by helots."[9] Jewish [10], yet anti-democratic, insensitive and elitist, Lindemann supported eugenics, held the working class, homosexuals and blacks in contempt and supported sterilization of the mentally incompetent. [Wiki]
"I must leave here," said Lady De Vere,
"For these damp airs don't suit me, I fear."
Said her friend: "Goodness me!
If they don't agree
With your system, why eat pears, my dear?"
There was a young girl from Darjeeling
Who could dance with such exquisite feeling.
Not a murmur was heard,
Not a sound, not a word,
Save for fly buttons hitting the ceiling.
André Domin and more