Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Winter's Bone

Every house in the area is either a broken cabin or single wide trailer, with lots of dead cars and appliances all over the property, and Ree and her siblings have no way to get food unless they shoot it. But the kids are way to well dressed and look like some one does their hair every morning... - Bleak and Borring © Grey Wolffe "Zeb Kantrowitz"
If Disney made a movie about severe poverty, drugs, and violence it would be just like Winters Bone. - Meth dealers with a heart © Dave
As one reviewer put it, this movie does offer "a glimpse into a rarely-seen world." Problem is the glimpse feels kind of voyeuristic--as if the movie was more an anthropological study of these weird looking hillbillies, with (overly) quaint ways of talking, and different ideas of hygiene than us coddled, movie-going city folk. - Mixed: Veers into "Poverty Porn" Territory © Jonathan