Saturday, November 30, 2019

на улице Мулен

creating fake newspapers

. The Left’s Plan to Slip Vote-Swaying News Into Facebook Feeds
. Democrat strategist creates ‘fake’ local news sites in key states to sway votes away from Trump
. A new progressive media group is creating fake newspapers to try to undermine Trump in swing states

and more and more on fake news from tara mcgowan

see also somewhat related jessica kwong:

. Newsweek Claims Trump Busy ‘Tweeting’ and ‘Golfing’ on Thanksgiving–He Was Visiting Troops in Afghanistan
. Newsweek Fires Anti-Trump Reporter Behind False Thanksgiving Story
. Jessica Kwong Fired For Donald Trump Thanksgiving Story, Says She Filed It Wednesday, ‘Newsweek’ Didn’t Update

ну и так далее

water is still wet

Among both men and women, unsolicited sexual advances were considered more disturbing and more discomforting when perpetrated by an unattractive opposite sex colleague than when perpetrated by an attractive opposite sex colleague. @ImHardcory
some comments:

- Well, duh.....
- Rocket science
- Science once again proves the obvious
- Who woulda thunk it?
- In other news water is still wet.

and, finally: Reminds me a Sarah Silverman joke that still makes me cringe-laugh: “I was raped by a doctor. Which is, you know, so bittersweet for a Jewish girl.”

Thursday, November 28, 2019

может быть

Осень. Я занемог.
Но, может быть, нынешний вечер
Завтра мне станет мил.

- Мацуо Басё
пессимизм или оптимизм?
- Хуже быть не может.
- Может, может.
и еще
На миру́, на юру́
Неприютно мне и одиноко.
Мне б забиться в нору,
Затаиться далёко-далёко.

- Мария Петровых

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nigel Van Wieck

Q Train by Nigel Van Wieck

очевидное подражание Хопперу. успешное.

ср. Kyoto Amada

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Гамлет Щигровского уезда

Кажется, чего бы еще? Одно меня смущало: в самые, как говорится, мгновения неизъяснимого блаженства у меня отчего-то всё под ложечкой сосало и тоскливая, холодная дрожь пробегала по желудку. Я наконец не выдержал такого счастья и убежал.
Притом — странное дело! Софья мне более всего нравилась, когда я сидел к ней спиной или еще, пожалуй, когда я думал или более мечтал о ней, особенно вечером, на террасе.

- Гамлет Щигровского уезда, Иван Сергеевич Тургенев

ср. не удавиться ли мне?

Гамлет Щигровского уезда (1975) - в главной роли Олег Борисов

better than average


also (tangentially related)
Self-control, aka willpower, is about 60% heritable, with virtually no influence from shared family environment. New meta-analysis of 31 studies, with total sample over 30,000 people. - @primalpoly

We've been lied to

As pretty much everyone on the dissident right said when it happened. The idea that Assad on the verge of winning used gas which would trigger the Washington foreign policy establishment to declare war was preposterous. - @TOOEdit
Must Watch @TuckerCarlson Segment Tonight: New Evidence Shows Syria's Assad May Have Been Falsely Blamed for 2018 Chemical Attack

"We've been lied to, we've been manipulated, we knew it at the time." - @ColumbiaBugle

see also Tucker Carlson Roots for Russia on Air, MSM Heads Explode

German 'insult' on spying angers US

The row flared up over Germany's decision not to ban Chinese tech giant Huawei from participation in the German 5G mobile phone network.

"There is no moral equivalency between China and the United States and anyone suggesting it ignores history," US Ambassador Richard Grenell said.

During a TV debate on Huawei on Sunday, Mr Altmaier recalled the 2013 scandal over US surveillance of Nato allies via the National Security Agency. It emerged that the NSA had even spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Mr Altmaier said that "Germany still did not impose any boycott" on the US despite the NSA scandal.

- Huawei affair: German 'insult' on spying angers US

Monday, November 25, 2019

undesirable behavior

“When someone applies a machine learning algorithm, it’s hard to control its behavior,” said lead author Philip Thomas from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
The team came up with a framework they called ‘Seldonian’ algorithms, named after a character created by sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov, with which users can specify undesirable behavior as per their own needs.

- Is this the way to prevent the RISE OF THE MACHINES?
here you are, Scientists developed a new AI framework to prevent machines from misbehaving

дело за малым: решить, кто будет определять, что является undesirable
И проработала эта машина ровно четыре минуты. Ее выключили, зацементировали все входы и выходы, отвели от нее энергию, заминировали и обнесли колючей проволокой. Самой настоящей ржавой колючей проволокой — хотите верьте, хотите нет.
— А в чем, собственно, дело? — спросил Банин.
— Она начала вести себя, — сказал Горбовский.
все как учили

Fanny Gordon

по wqxr - Bleeding Heart by Fanny Gordon:

Fanny Gordon , (Polish:Faina Markowna Kwiatkowska Russian: Фаина Марковна Квятковская (Faina Markovna Kvyatkovskaya) - (also known as Faiga Jofé, Fayge Yoffe or Fayge Yofe; 23 December 1914 in Yalta – 9 July 1991 in Leningrad) was Polish-Soviet composer. She was only female laykhte-muzik ("light" i.e. pop music) composer in Poland.
Before World War II Gordon lived alternately in Warsaw and the USA. She was trapped in Warsaw at the outbreak of the war but escaped to Wilno and eventually to Leningrad, where she continued to compose under the names Fania Markovna Kviatkovskaya and Fania Kwiatkowski. She died in Leningrad in 1991.
Skrwawione Serce [youtube]

автор фокстрота «У самовара я и моя Маша»

ну и еще кстати А брив дем хавер Ворошилов / mp3

Sunday, November 24, 2019

stereotype inaccuracy

An example of stereotype inaccuracy: Among white women, there is no evidence that blondes have lower IQs than other hair color groups (brown, red, black). If anything, blondes have slightly higher IQs. @ImHardcory

@dklndt Replying to @ImHardcory:
This particular stereotype is inaccurate because it is recent and manufactured on purpose. "Shiksas bad", basically.
confirmed at Blonde jokes aren't funny, very enlightening article.
The current blonde stereotype began in the U.S. of the early 20th century. It was a product of ethnic contact between the native-born population and darker-haired immigrants (Italians, Jews, Greeks, etc.) who were often shocked by the relative sexual freedom of ‘American’ women. This attitude existed in different communities, but it entered the mainstream culture primarily via Jewish immigrants and specifically through their contributions to art and literature. It is a common theme in Jewish-American novels:

The exotic female in Jewish life is the sexy shiksa, frequently a blue-eyed blonde who offers gratifications withheld, at least until marriage, by proper Jewish girls. […] A blend of arrogance and defensiveness prompts many Jews to claim that shiksas are more carnal and promiscuous than women of their own faith because Christians are less intelligent, refined, and clean than themselves. Goyishe Kopf (literally translated as gentile head), the Yiddish colloquialism for stupidity, exemplifies the traditional contempt for Christians. - The Quest for the Ultimate Shiksa by Frederic Cople Jaher
at the end of this article are very relevant examples of hair color stereotyping in modern time Sweden.

see also Peter Frost @unz

Saturday, November 23, 2019

не Малевич

Negroes Fighting in                       First Communion of Anaemic
a Tunnel at Night (1882)               Young Girls In The Snow (1883)

Alphonse Allais

Friday, November 22, 2019

Handel Concerto grosso No. 7

George Frideric Handel
Concerto grosso No. 7 in B-flat Major, Op. 6, HWV 325

Aradia Ensemble
Kevin Mallon, conductor


hilarious correction

GQ had to issue a hilarious correction when it screwed up how Alexander Vindman got his Purple Heart


не выиграл, а проиграл


об этом сегодня не написал только ленивый. все обвиняют Иванку в том, что цитата - вранье, и вовсе не из Токвиля, и вообще, как в старом анекдоте, не выиграл, а проиграл.

однако вот статья про импичмент, написанная в 1939-м году автором из University of Minnesota Law School, и к ней эпиграфом - дословно та же самая цитата из Токвиля, что привела Иванка.

вот несколько ссылок на обвинения Иванки в том, что она привела фальшивую цитату: newsweek / msn / salon

а вот в National Review разъясняют популярно: Tocqueville’s Fears about Impeachment

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unclean Lips

In 1887, nine out of nineteen (47%) of the people arrested for obscenity whose religion was noted in the society's records were Jewish. - Unclean Lips by Josh Lambert
He's not letting us know, though, what was the total percentage of obscene books published by Jews.

Acknowledgements section ends with the following sentence: "And Sara and Asher? What else can I say but that I owe you both so fucking much?"

очень трогательно

Unclean Lips is from Isaiah 6:5: "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."

art of mouse-catching

Cats being instructed In the art of mouse-catching by an owl
Lombard School, circa 1700

Looks more like: A cat orchestra/choir directed by an owl, with sheet music made of little drawings of mice

Oil on canvas, within a painted lunette, 83.5 by 110.5 cm

справа - современная вариация

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

над чем он работает

Я хотел бы познакомиться с человеком, придумавшим секс, и узнать, над чем он работает сейчас.

- Продолжая тему

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

dog that I know

I had rather see the portrait of a dog that I know than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world.

—Samuel Johnson

Невский проспект

Невский проспект, 1963 год. Михаил Николаевич Скуляри


переход не помню

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Way We Live Now

The Way We Live Now - британский минисериал по Троллопу, посмотрел все шесть эпизодов. довольно убедительно и познавательно. снято отлично.

интересно, что поиск в Google melmotte trump возвращает About 1,750 results.

еще La mécanique de l'ombre, в русском прокате - Механика теней, что-то среднее между Кафкой и roman dur Сименона. не дотягивает ни до того, ни до другого, смотрится неплохо, но в конечном счете впечатление такое, будто чего-то недодали.

еще Bang Gang (A Modern Love Story) - про то, как французские тинэйджеры культурно проводят время. в основном - ебутся, курят дурь и нюхают кокаин. по ходу заражают друг друга вензаболеваниями, но французская карательная медицина быстро колет им пенициллин и все кончается хорошо. можно сравнить с Six Acts, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, и далее со всеми остановками.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pizza Express

You really are not going to believe this but I am not making it up.
The Pizza Express Wikipedia entry was this morning being edited to remove all references to Prince Andrew by - Philip Cross.

очень познавательное чтение, по ходу дела упоминается один Piers Robinson [The CNN effect/amazon], ну и всякое другое познавательное.

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt @NRO / @brithume / жж
In 1988 economist Paul Krugman wrote that by 2005, it would become clear that the Internet's effect on the economy is no greater than the fax machine's.
“The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable” - John Kenneth Galbraith

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fred Calleri


вспоминается Svetlana Kurmaz

Surgery Often Unwarranted

Surgery for Blocked Arteries Is Often Unwarranted, Researchers Find

Drug therapy alone may save lives as effectively as bypass or stenting procedures, a large federal study showed.

- nyt

Friday, November 15, 2019

reliable sources

Far from being autonomous computer programs oblivious to outside pressure, Google’s algorithms are subject to regular tinkering from executives and engineers who are trying to deliver relevant search results, while also pleasing a wide variety of powerful interests and driving its parent company’s more than $30 billion in annual profit.

A Google spokeswoman disputed the Journal’s conclusions, saying, “We do today what we have done all along, provide relevant results from the most reliable sources available.”

- How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results [WSJ, paywall]
Mr. Brin still opposed making large-scale efforts to fight spam, because it involved more human intervention. Mr. Brin, whose parents were Jewish émigrés from the former Soviet Union, even personally decided to allow anti-Semitic sites that were in the results for the query “Jew,” according to people familiar with the decision.
Finally, in 2004, in the bathroom one day at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Mr. Page approached Ben Gomes, one of Google’s early search executives, to express support for his efforts fighting spam. “Just do what you need to do,” said Mr. Page, according to a person familiar with the conversation. “Sergey is going to ruin this f—ing company.”
“It’s very convenient for us to say that the algorithms make all the decisions,” said one former Google executive.

interestingly, there're at least three separate instances in the article where they talk about filtering search results, related to the Jews. talk about proportional representation...

другого Трампа у меня для вас нет

перефразируя тов. Сталина, республиканцы должны сказать американскому народу: "Другого Трампа у нас для вас нет."

а "Другого народа у меня для вас нет" - хороший ответ на deplorables.

reproduction rates

...throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced. - Is There Anything Good About Men?

by the way, these 40% enjoyed at least a double of men's reproductive success average

Thursday, November 14, 2019

tea @ starbucks

- what kind of psychopath orders a tea @ starbucks?! - @hbdchick

- I have done, but always regretted it. Their tea is even worse than their coffee. @anomalyuk

I saw a guy at Starbucks today.
No iPhone.
No tablet.
No laptop.
He just sat there.
Drinking coffee.
Like a Psychopath.


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

beginning of all things

“The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.”
-- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
via @primalpoly

от себя добавлю: only the beginning is a mystery?

fighting integration

Democratic presidential candidates have embraced school desegregation. But in this heavily Democratic suburb, parents are fighting an integration proposal, showing such efforts remain deeply divisive when it comes to liberals' own children. @nytpolitics
via @TOOEdit

desegregation my ass

it's funny to see articles like this in nyt. comments are worth reading too. жж

еще одна отчасти связанная ветка
One striking thing about The Federalist Papers is how skeptical the authors were of human nature. Hamilton, especially, has a dark view of his fellow creatures. @EPoe187
комментарии там хорошие, хотя и предсказуемые.

FOX продолжает шутить


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

хуже татарина

ФАС посоветовала сменить названия мороженого «Хохол», «Бедный еврей» и «Американец» -

вспоминается анекдот про пословицу "Незванный гость хуже татарина". нужно переименовать мороженое в «Богатый еврей»

stereotype accuracy

AI algorithms are designed to notice real patterns. As one commenter noted, stereotype accuracy is "one of the largest and most replicable findings in social psychology." - @TOOEdit
это по поводу
How can we stop artificial intelligence being so racist and sexist? So far, all attempts to de-bias our algorithms have failed - @newscientist

see also Unequal Chances or Unequal Abilities. @Dylan_Ringwood - youtube lecture by Gregory Clark

Monday, November 11, 2019

рояль в кустах

вот же он

Sunday, November 10, 2019

и снова про Чирикову

редко читаю pioneer-lj, лень. но тут не поленилса, прочел про некую страдающую в Эстонии эмигрантку Чирикову, и не пожалел, хоть и много букв. забавно, и комментарии тоже забавные.

не поленюсь, повторю тут ее фото 2012-го года. уж очень был фотогеничный протест.

ну и заодно Список поддержавших Гасанова про клоачный русский язык.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Girl With Bike

Aron Wiesenfeld

Friday, November 8, 2019

коня на скаку остановит

Senior GitLab exec resigns over plan to stop hiring engineers in China and Russia

ну прямо повесть о настоящем человеке

via alj868

Candice Ciresi commented:

As I believe GitLab is engaging in discriminatory and retaliatory behavior, I have tendered my resignation.

Her resignation message got censored as well. First they edited her message to a regular Code-Of-Conduct violation. Now it's says it got edited because it would inflame the situation. -

см. также Русским и китайцам не беспокоиться: технокомпании составляют «черные списки» стран

An eye for an eye

'An eye for an eye': The Jews who sought to poison six million Germans to avenge the Holocaust - @haaretzcom

это Haaretz, если что

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gattaca etc

посмотрел Gattaca через 20 лет, результат тот же, если не хуже. чудовищно бездарный фильм, начиная от дурацкого сюжета, деревянных актеров, и кончая идиотской занудной музыкой из серии он пугает а мне не страшно. примерно как с Матрицей, которую меня уговорил в 99-м посмотреть второй раз немецкий товарищ. что первый раз, что второй - бездарная хрень.

зато Строгий юноша - забавное и познавательное кино, снял Роом, как и Третью Мещанскую. Третья Мещанская, однако, снята в 1927-м, фильм гораздо интересней, настоящее кино. Строгий юноша - в 1936-м, это уже полноценный сталинский соцреализм, интересно просто как история, и отчасти - потому что сценарий Олеши, это чувствуется.

там в статье Wiki про Строгий юноша интересно посмотреть судьбы актеров, в частности - Консовского и Дорлиака, да и всех остальных.

еще A Woman for All Men (1975) - дурацкий, но Technicolor во всей красе, и отчасти soft porn, не без этого. опять же всякие подробности быта 70-х.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

худые делишки

Кому это нужно все -- вот в чем вопрос,
Зачем я, охотник-лохмотник,
На лоне бытья заскорузлый нарост,
Срамник, выпивоха и сводник,
Записки в верховьях реки сочинил
И сплавил в низовья куда-то...
Напрасная трата свечей и чернил
И силы теченья растрата.
Какая досада: лета напролет
Гуляешь, колядуешь лишку;
Посмотришься в кружку -- а ты уж удод.
Хреново, худые делишки.
Предзимье застало за штопкой мешка,
Починкой мережи и бочки,
Но знаю -- набухнут исподтишка
И лопнут настырные почки!
Попробуй пожги только, дурья башка,
Мои гениальные строчки.

ЗАПИСКА XXXVII Post scriptum, Саша Соколов

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

cousin with a German name

Even so, to-day, a well-known statesman gets his information with regard to Russia from his private secretary, who gets it from a London M.P., who gets it from his cousin with a German name, who gets it from a person kept in England by the Bolsheviks for exactly that purpose.

- Bolshevik Adventure by John Pollock

nice euphemism, cousin with a German name, even quoted in The Fine Old Hebrew Gentleman

там же далее
Russia will recover sooner from the effects of the war than any other European nation, and will in our lifetime probably become the richest and most powerful in the world, not excepting the United States.
написано в 1919-м
Various American journalists and representatives of charitable societies have in the last few months visited Russia, more or less under Bolshevik protection, and have not scrupled to express opinions favourable to the Bolsheviks; which has about the same effect on Russian educated opinion as it would have upon Americans if Russians visited and belauded an insurrectionary Negro Government that had mastered, say, South Carolina and murdered most of the whites.

Monday, November 4, 2019



Saturday, November 2, 2019


Вчера я наткнулся на книгу из серии "Литературные памятники" посвящённую стихотворению "Ворон": много русских переводов, комментарии, история написания, подробный анализ стихотворения и переводов. 400 страниц! Вот, свободно лежит тут. - utnapishti

дальше там еще про Грету в комментариях
... и с этих пор
не летаю самолётом, помня девочкин укор,
и не ем коровье мясо, помня Греты гневный взор —
Никогда, о nevermore!

Friday, November 1, 2019

все уже сказано

Все уже сказано. Но еще не всеми. - Карл Валентин via Igor Petrov

крутой вопрос


правильный ответ дал товарищ Сталин: История не знает сослагательного наклонения.

ну и заодно пример очередного идиотского обсуждения у messala о сексуальном воспитании. под конец там ferzunkin хорошо ему разъясняет

а вот Julia Ioffe выражают недовольство Достоевским