Sunday, September 30, 2018


Paul Jordan Smith, Aspiration, from the series “The Seven Deadly Sins,” 1924.

the original title was Perspiration, no shit, then he changed his mind. wildly funny article The Hoax Art Movement That Fooled the Art World Establishment
In 1924, American literary scholar and author Paul Jordan-Smith adopted a new identity: Pavel Jerdanowitch, an avant-garde Russian artist whose visceral paintings would beguile modern art critics. Parading as Jerdanowitch for the next three years, Jordan-Smith gained traction at the helm of his one-man art movement, which he called Disumbrationism. But Jordan-Smith wasn’t a brooding artist from Moscow, and Disumbrationism was less of an aesthetic than it was a practical joke intended to shame the art world.
Whether Disumbrationism was thoroughly a hoax remains disputable. Jordan-Smith may have revealed the modern art critic’s gullibility, but perhaps he possessed a natural penchant for painting as successful outsider artists do. Jordan-Smith’s hijinks didn’t stray far from the masterly modernists whom he mocked; Duchamp and his band of Dada provocateurs likewise challenged creative fetters with conceptual “anti-art” forged with derision. As Dada co-founder Tristan Tzara once said: “The beginnings of Dada were not the beginnings of art, but of disgust.” Disumbrationism was undoubtedly born from the same sentiment.
по-русски это называется дизумбрационизм.

. Художник-дизумбрационист Павел Жерданович
. Павел Жерданович - пятно позора в мире искусства
. Скандальная история Павла Жердановича

The fact-value gap

The fact-value gap, as stated by @charlesmurray

Reason, that whore. @dougiesmithy
But since the devil's bride, Reason, that pretty whore, comes in and thinks she's wise, and what she says, what she thinks, is from the Holy Spirit, who can help us, then? Not judges, not doctors, no king or emperor, because [reason] is the Devil's greatest whore.

- Martin Luther
Jonathan Haidt об этом пишет в The Righteous Mind

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Бестактный попутчик

Berthold Woltze, The Irritating Gentleman

via и тут - пояснения

это для комплекта к Couple in Conversation. по нынешним временам обе картины можно поместить в музей борьбы женщин со зверствами мужчин.

не Сватовство майора, конечно... но тоже вполне познавательно. и сумка - не Louis Vuitton, но вполне может войти в моду.

google - можно до конца жизни разглядывать

см. также Couple in Conversation

withdraw ads

“The thing that especially upsets me is that apparently there was all this pressure from university presses who said they were going to withdraw their ads from the Review because of publishing this piece, which just makes steam come out of my ears.” - Gerald Howard, an executive editor at publisher Doubleday as quoted in How one article capsized a New York literary institution

Buruma spoke with detached fatalism of how he’d been “convicted on Twitter,” a victim of the Review’s “capitulation to social media and university presses.” He said Hederman had told him university press publishers, driven by campus politics, were threatening a boycott. - The Backlash to the Backlash at The New York Review of Books [see the paragraph starting with Fear of protest from university presses may have played a part in Hederman’s decision]

see section Advertising in Propaganda model

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Couple in Conversation

“Everybody is somebody’s bore.”Edith Sitwell

картина называется Couple in Conversation, автор - Simon Glücklich (1863 - 1943) [а можно еще назвать mansplaining, see also Men Explain Things to Me — Facts Didn’t Get in the Way]

интересно, что при поиске по изображению Google возвращает множество ссылок на Women Having A Terrible Time At Parties

см. также Бестактный попутчик

national disgrace

“This confirmation process has become a national disgrace,” he said.

по-русски это нынче называется йобаный стыд

Sen. Kennedy calls hearings 'intergalactic freak show'

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


NPR headline news передают в начале часа, занимают они около пяти минут, и содержат только заголовки новостей, без анализа и часто без комментариев.

последней новостью в сегодняшнем выпуске в 12 дня было сообщение о том, что продажи новых домов в США выросли на 3 с лишним процента.

за этой новостью последовал короткий комментарий. вот он полностью: "Some people gravitate to buying new homes because they are not able to find an old house they like or can afford."

Distracted boyfriend

снимок слева, добавив к нему надписи, использовала в рекламной кампании шведская фирма Bahnhof. надпись на фигуре молодого человека - "ты", на фигуре девушки справа - "фирма, где ты сейчас работаешь".

эта рекламная кампания признана сексистской шведским регулятором, но регулятор не требует от фирмы Bahnhof прекратить кампанию и изъять рекламу, так как решение носит характер рекомендации в части "этически корректной рекламы".

странно, что фирме Bahnhof не сделали замечания за то, что на снимке - все белые.

'Distracted boyfriend' advert ruled sexist

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

немного истории

в 1987 году в Нью-Йорке была довольно шумная история с Tawana Brawley rape allegations

в 2013-м этой истории посвятили статью в The New York Times под названием Revisiting a Rape Scandal That Would Have Been Monstrous if True

среди прочего там говорится: "When asked whether Ms. Brawley would speak with the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, Mr. Sharpton said that would be like asking someone in a concentration camp to talk to Hitler."

от себя добавлю: вот это That Would Have Been Monstrous if True говорит все и еще немного про NYT

L’Origine du Monde again

это она, Constance Queniaux, утверждают британские французские учОные.

или правильней сказать "это её"?

узнать непросто.

Bret Kavanaugh узнал бы, наверное. судя по всему.

см. также ‘censorship’ case

Monday, September 24, 2018

detection of bullshit

Those more receptive to bullshit are less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), are more prone to ontological confusions and conspiratorial ideation, are more likely to hold religious and paranormal beliefs, and are more likely to endorse complementary and alternative medicine.

- On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit
see also The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra


см. также

Saturday, September 22, 2018

душа рептилоида

А что если дракон похитил прекрасную принцессу, потому что увидел в ней родственную душу холодного рептилоида? - народ

inclusion my ass

In 2007, Aurora began to withdraw from Linux programming. She is now a consultant to tech companies working on issues of inclusion and diversity. - Linus Torvalds is stepping aside
funny section comparing Linux project with Python (run by a feminist, presumably - a good guy): 2015 ... he admitted that there were no women among its core developers. The next year ... “He gave another keynote and admitted that there were still no women” ... Today, there are four women among roughly ninety Python core developers.
at the same time researchers estimate that roughly ten per cent of all Linux coders are women.

от себя добавлю: вот еще одна бездарная статья в журнале New Yorker

один день Ruth Ginsburg

тут вспоминали оперу «Один день Ивана Денисовича», ну и не обошлось, конечно, без упоминания оперы Повесть о настоящем человеке.

стоило бы еще вспомнить оперу великого американского композитора Джона Адамса Никсон В Китае [The work had been commissioned jointly by the Houston Grand Opera, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Netherlands Opera and the Washington Opera, all of which were to mount early productions of the opera. - Wiki]

но опера Никсон В Китае "пользуется широчайшей известностью", а вот еще одна американская опера к сожалению гораздо менее известна. Это опера Scalia/Ginsburg by Derrick Wang, основанная на словах членов Верховного Суда США Рут Гизбург и Антонина Скалиа, произнесенных ими во время заседаний.

see also opera does justice to court

Friday, September 21, 2018

there you are

Apollonia Saintclair

ink is my blood

nothing but respect

Theresa May ranted with all the gravitas of an adult toddler – and with all the effect - The Guardian. умри, Денис - лучше не скажешь.

“Throughout this process,” she howled, “I have treated the EU with nothing but respect, the UK expects the same.” это сильно. respect, wow.

respect my ass

Moses and Monotheism

The book, after all, insisted on some strange and disturbing things. Most startling, it argued that Moses himself was not a Jew. How did Freud know? First of all, he claimed that Moses is not a Jewish name but an Egyptian one; second, Freud’s study of dreams and fairy tales convinced him that the Bible had inverted things.

In the Exodus story, Moses’ mother, fearing Pharaoh’s order to kill all Jewish boys, leaves the infant Moses in a basket on the river’s edge, where he is discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter.

But Freud maintained that the Jews were the ones who had found him by the river. (In fairy tales and dreams, the child always begins with rich parents and is adopted by poor ones, yet his noble nature wins out — or so Freud insisted.)

Freud also said that monotheism was not a Jewish but an Egyptian invention, descending from the cult of the Egyptian sun god Aton. - Defender of the Faith?

see also Moses and Monotheism, 1939 by Freud

Thursday, September 20, 2018

похоже на Хармса

Когда же я стану поэтом
Настолько, чтоб все презирать,
Настолько, чтоб в холоде этом
Бесчувственным светом играть?
это Г. Иванов, а похоже на Хармса

fear mongering

The Plot to Subvert an Election

нового ничего, просто срочно что-то потребовалось, чтобы спустить провальную историю про Kavanaugh пониже на первой полосе, чтобы не огорчались deranged readers of the deranged nyt

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Верю в смерть после жизни, любовь после секса и крем после бритья. - народ

секс после любви?

I never read a book I must review; it prejudices you so. - Oscar Wilde as quoted in Пьер Байяр, "Искусство рассуждать о книгах, которые вы не читали"

"здоровый образ жизни" - это современный вариант аскезы, а здоровье как таковое воспринимается чем-то вроде заслуженной награды, ожидающей мучеников. © kot-kam

We are moved by nothing but pure patriotism and the joyful sacrifice of our powers for those who have sacrificed so much for us. - Beethoven

vocal beauty

Nadine Sierra, soprano - Praised for her vocal beauty...

vocal, i'm sure

Watch: Soprano Nadine Sierra Live From The Greene Space - ...hailed as “the new face of opera”

face, right

meanwhile on wqxr Frederic Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp Minor, Op. Posth. and then Etude in G-sharp Minor, Op. 25/6 and then Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Trio Sonata for Flute, Violin and Continuo in B minor, WQ 143

free will


see also Choose Your Own Adventure (And Beyond)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Chemnitz unrest: German top spy Maassen forced out:
The government's decision came amid a furore over Mr Maassen's response to recent far-right unrest in Chemnitz.

Anti-migrant "hunts" were reported there on 26 August after a German man was killed in a brawl with migrants.

Mr Maassen doubted that foreign-looking people had been hounded. Chancellor Angela Merkel was urged to sack him.
Okay You're the boss.

Female Voices

An Artist Who Champions and Channels Female Voices

изделие слева называется “Untitled #1379 (The Doctor’s Wife)"

авторка - одна Petah Coyne

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Dalai Lama wisdom

Dalai Lama says 'Europe belongs to Europeans'

'It is a triumph of the radical left that only the Dalai Lama can speak the truth' - @DouglasKMurray (Douglas Murray)

i follow two more Murrays: Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg ‏and Charles Murray @charlesmurray

doctor, is something wrong with me?

also John Murray Cuddihy! и Murray N. Rothbard.


Фауст по wrti

Вы стро́йны и во всей красе,
Ваш вид надменен, взгляд рассеян.
В того невольно верят все,
Кто больше всех самонадеян.

- перевод Пастернака

Уход Лао-цзы

- А что там за тонкий дымок, что за легкая струйка возносится к небу у входа на перевал? - спросил начальник.

- Это мои соломенные сандалии, которые я сжигаю, ибо больше в них не нуждаюсь, - отвечал Лао-цзы, - мои страннические сандалии, которые я приношу в жертву духам Горы.

- Поль Клодель, Уход Лао-цзы
via Пьер Байяр "Искусство рассуждать о книгах, которые вы не читали"

тут надо вспомнить Hence, конечно, и Одена In Memory Of W.B. Yeats
Time that with this strange excuse
Pardoned Kipling and his views,
And will pardon Paul Claudel,
Pardons him for writing well.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Min Kamp

не зря все-таки Кнаусгор книжку назвал Моя борьба, в шестом томе наконец появилась биография Гитлера. но неправильная. Slate разъясняет бестолковому Кнаусгору, что он не так пишет про Гитлера, как положено. разъясняет, не стесняясь в выражениях:
- confused reading of a poem
- he’s a disaster
- absolutely enormous number of bad ideas
- banal
- random declaration from on high
- sophistry on nearly every page
- pretentious historicizing
ну прямо „Звезда“ и „Ленинград“.

для убедительности автор статьи упоминает всех подряд от Паули до Стерна. в общем выговор Кнаусгору с занесением. должна еще NYT отметиться. не сомневаюсь, появится что-то вроде Сумбур вместо музыки.

upd 09/18: nyt откликнулась, но пока что не из всех стволов, довольно сдержано. предсказываю broadside in the coming days.

Hitler and Knausgaard

Pool with Two figures

Hockney painting set for record $80m: A painting by British artist David Hockney is set to become the most expensive work by a living artist to ever be sold at auction.

еще две работы Hockney. под ними - Сарьян и Матисс. навеяло.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Rihanna's in lingerie

Rihanna's Fenty lingerie show praised for diversity - это BBC

а вот HuffPo, много картинок

rough few years

Some of the field's rock-solid findings now appear sketchy at best. Entire subfields are viewed with suspicion. Many, perhaps most, studies published are flawed. 
- ‘I Want to Burn Things to the Ground’

somewhere in the beginning they say As you’ve no doubt heard by now, social psychology has had a rough few years. - like about a hundred?

very funny article, especially where it attempts to be even-handed. lots of examples. Alan Sokal mentioned.

Researchers find oddities in high-profile gender studies - same issues, more funny examples.


upd 9/20: Journals Retract 6 More Articles by a Controversial Cornell Food Scientist

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

a bit less Russian

The previous president, Yeltsin, was boozy, jokey, generous. Now people wanted somebody a bit less Russian.

- Russia's answer to James Bond: did he trigger Putin's rise to power?
это The Guardian.

нет ли тут антисемитизма

интересно, лорда Пальмерстона избрали премьер-министром Великобритании после Дизраэли потому что people wanted somebody a bit less Jewish?

опять же, хотелось бы знать, что стало бы с автором статьи в Guardian, если бы он что-то подобное написал про выборы премьер-министра Израиля.

@ новости кинокритики

кстати, правильный перевод названия газеты - Гвардеец. если New Yorker - the parish magazine of East Coast liberalism, то Гвардеец - parish newspaper of British libtard crowd.

history rhymes

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes - attributed to Mark Twain

strange they don't mention Marx: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

Quote Investigator

Huey Long never made a shrewder observation than his remark that if Fascism came to the United States it would come disguised as anti-Fascism. - Ibid.

There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America. - Otto von Bismarck

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

WaPo зажигает

Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.

ну точно The Onion


в приемной у врача

лежала библия, открыл наудачу 1 Samuel 18:27
David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.
ох нелегкая это работа

Not About Race

News Corp Is Rushing To Defend Mark Knight Over That Appalling Serena Williams Cartoon

meanwhile in nyt Serena Williams Cartoon ‘Not About Race,’ Artist Says. Experts Strongly Disagree we can find a few more nice pictures.

RT Coverage is not very friendly: Serena Williams’ history of petulance makes a mockery of her status as a role model

самый смешной заголовок - в Is it possible to draw Serena Williams without being racist? [see here without paywall]

punish ICC

John Bolton vows to punish ICC after court announces probe of alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan

sure, only Serbs can be subject to ICC. ok, maybe Russians in the future. but not the Americans, are you crazy?

Which reminds me of this passage from Graham Greene’s Our Man in Havana, where Captain Segura explains who can and can’t be tortured:
‘Did you torture him?’
Captain Segura laughed. ‘No. He doesn’t belong to the torturable class.’

Monday, September 10, 2018

Вагоноуважаемый глубокоуважатый!

вагоновожатая / трамвай via. там еще хорошие

см. также просветляйся

unrelated: i thought bdsm stood for buddhism and Confused College Students Mix-Up BDS, BDSM

“sickening” exploitation

The New York State Democratic Committee is under fire from all sides after it sent out campaign literature implying that gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic.

“With anti-Semitism and bigotry on the rise, we can’t take a chance with inexperienced Cynthia Nixon,” reads the mailer, according to the New York Post. The mailer continues by claiming the former “Sex and the City” actress is against the funding of yeshivas and also falsely accuses her of being “silent on the rise of anti-Semitism” and of supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israrel [sic! - vs].

The mailer, which was sent out just days before New York’s Democratic Primary on Sept. 13 and on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, was immediately met with widespread criticism.

...Nixon accused her political rival, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, of approving the mailer and called it a “sickening” exploitation of people’s fear.

The New York State Democratic Party committee executive Geoff Berman hastily said that they would “work with the Nixon campaign to send out a mailing of their choosing to the same universe of people.”

“Let me be very clear: This mailer was a mistake and is inappropriate and is not the tone the Democratic Party should set,” Berman tweeted. “It will not happen again.” 
- New York Democrats slammed for mailer implying Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic

вот как надо! “sickening” exploitation of people’s fear, это я понимаю. а то Corbyn оправдывается как в детском саду. еще замечательно Berman hastily said

опять же где разъяснения: is she against the funding of yeshivas? хочем знать.

nyt разъясняет: This is dirty politics, nearly as sleazy as it gets.. именно.

see also Socialist ‘Vessel’ Julia Salazar Soldiers On in Brooklyn / Julia Salazar Update: A Trust Fund, A Lost Endorsement, And A Claim Of Sexual Assault. looks like reckoning is near for Julia Salazar. hope Julia Ioffe's turn is not too far either.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Down the Memory Hole

Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole - о том, как статью о ‘Greater Male Variability Hypothesis’ выпилили из готового номера научного журнала в лучших советских традициях. много комментариев в twitter: @charlesmurray, конечно, заметил. also @SteveStuWill - целая серия tweets, совсем свежих, со ссылкой на PsyArXiv Preprints от 8/26 - совпадение? @sapinker - Steven Pinker and discussion with no end.

ну и штоб два раза не вставать - напрямую не связано, но по смыслу - очень даже, в Chronicle один Jason Stanley размышляет о том, как фашизм и [белый] национализм подавляет свободу мысли в университетах России, Ирана, и Соединенных Штатов: Fascism and the University. похоже, в Chronicle почувствовали, что они недостаточно себя проявили в борьбе. или новый редактор там завелся? предсказываю shitstorm в сети. комментарии к статье [ожЫдаемо] закрыты.

Artist’s Shit

очередная позорная статья в New Yorker. похоже, ремники и гопники совсем исписались. эту изготовил один Пол Блюм, тоже гопник, вероятно. What We Know About Art and the Mind my ass.

можно было бы про нее совсем не писать, но в начале отрывок, который стоит засушить на память:
In 1961, Piero Manzoni created his most famous art work—ninety small, sealed tins, titled “Artist’s Shit.” Its creation was said to be prompted by Manzoni’s father, who owned a canning factory, telling his son, “Your work is shit.” Manzoni intended “Artist’s Shit” in part as a commentary on consumerism and the obsession we have with artists. As Manzoni put it, “If collectors really want something intimate, really personal to the artist, there’s the artist’s own shit.”

Manzoni originally priced the tins according to their equivalent weight in gold, but they were purchased by the Tate Gallery and other collectors for much more, and, in 2016, one of the tins was bought in Milan for two hundred and seventy-five thousand euros. Plainly, then, some like this work; they believe that it’s of value. Others see it as ridiculous. In “The Art Instinct,” the philosopher Denis Dutton takes considerable pleasure in telling the story of how Manzoni failed to properly autoclave the tins, and many of them, years later, in private collections and museums, exploded.
все это старо и скучно, кроме разве нынешних цен на говно и удовольствия от искусства, полученного философом.

саму статью следовало бы охарактеризовать как vacuous, если бы она не заслуживала характеристики fatuous. одно, впрочем, другому не мешает, надеюсь.

дорогая редакция школьной стенгазеты.

startup financing howto

ex libris

To raise the money she needed, she leveraged her family connections. She convinced Tim Draper, the father of her childhood friend and former neighbor Jesse Draper, to invest $1 million. The Draper name carried a lot of weight and helped give Elizabeth some credibility: Tim’s grandfather had founded Silicon Valley’s first venture capital firm in the late 1950s, and Tim’s own firm, DFJ, was known for lucrative early investments in companies like the web-based email service Hotmail.

Another family connection she tapped for a large investment, the retired corporate turnaround specialist Victor Palmieri, was a longtime friend of her father's. ... In addition to Draper and Palmieri, she secured investments from an aging venture capitalist named John Bryan and from Stephen L. Feinberg, a real estate and private equity investor who was on board of Houston's MD Anderson Cancer Center. She also persuaded a fellow Stanford student named Michael Chang, whose family controlled a multibillion-dollar distributor of high-tech devices in Taiwan, to invest.

- Bad Blood, pg 16

это напоминает старый анекдот про парня, который продавал карандаши, а потом дядя завещал ему миллион. и еще историю про финансирование одной из первых bitcoin exchanges, там тоже парень сидел в подвале без денег со своими компьютерами, а потом один из его приятелей уговорил другого приятеля вложить 20 миллионов.

еще там познавательно, особенно учитывая, что это 2007-й год и речь идет о Калифорнии
...when Matt called the second moving company and explained the situation, a person there strongly advised him to drop the idea. Unionized moving companies were all mob controlled, the person said. What Theranos was proposing to do risked devolving into violence. - Ibid., p. 42

[John Careyrou on San Fransisco-area biotech company Theranos risking organized crime violence by dropping a contract with a unionized moving company.]
ну и Theranos board [Wiki]:
In July 2011, Holmes was introduced to former Secretary of State George Shultz, who joined the Theranos board of directors that month. Over the next three years, Shultz helped to introduce almost all the outside directors on the "all-star board," which included William Perry (former Secretary of Defense), Henry Kissinger (former Secretary of State), Sam Nunn (former U.S. Senator), Bill Frist (former U.S. Senator and heart-transplant surgeon), Gary Roughead (Admiral, USN, retired), James Mattis (General, USMC), Richard Kovacevich (former Wells Fargo Chairman and CEO) and Riley Bechtel (chairman of the board and former CEO at Bechtel Group). The board was criticized for consisting "mainly of directors with diplomatic or military backgrounds."
еще из книги:
He said she wasn't the one running Theranos day-to-day. A man named Sunny Balwani was. Alan didn't mince his words about Balwani: he was a dishonest bully who managed through intimidation. Then he dropped another bombshell: Holmes and Balwani were romantically involved. ... If what Alan was saying was true, this added a new twist: Silicon Valley's first female billionaire tech founder was sleeping with her number-two executive, who was nearly twenty years her senior. - pg 227

My source said it was hard for the agency to take any adverse action against a company that portrayed itself as the lab world's biggest advocate of FDA regulation, especially one as politically connected as Theranos. At first, I thought he was referring to its board of directors, but that was the least of his concerns. He pointed out how chummy Holmes had gotten with the Obama administration. He had seen her at the launch of the president’s precision medicine initiative earlier in the year, one of several White House appearances she’d made in recent months. - pg 260

see also Why wasn't Theranos's board or its investors able to see that Elizabeth Holmes was continuously demonstrating unethical behavior?

Life on the Beach, 1960

Life on the Beach of Cesenatico, Italy, 1960

@ CLAIR Gallery

Erich Lessing, 7/13/23 - 8/29/18

Friday, September 7, 2018

Smear Bund

Pope's henchmen, including those planted with Fawcett Publications, are working closely with Drew Pearson and Anti-Defamation League. The ADL has assigned its top spy Sanford ("Sandy") Griffith to work in the smear conspiracy with the Pope's goons and Pearson. With the aid of informants like the notorious John P. Acord, head of the American Southern-Africa Council, they are all set to do a vicious smear job on a grand scale.

This alliance between the Kosher Nostra and the Cosa Nostra is not unusual. There has been a longstanding truce between Jewish and Italian gambling syndicates. And the Popes help Jewish charities and Zionist funds through the family owned Generoso Pope Foundation, Inc. This family tax-dodging foundation is suspected of being a secret conduit for CIA funds. During the Korean War, Generoso Pope Jr. worked for the CIA and he has many contacts at high government level.

- Washington Observer Newsletter, July 1st 1969

интересно, что в Generoso Pope Jr. Wiki CIA не упоминается вообще, а про мафию сказано коротко и ясно: Rumors of Mafia connections dogged him his whole life. это все, что нужно знать о нынешней Wiki, собственно.

Wedemeyer Reports!

это реценция на Wedemeyer Reports! Hardcover – 1958

ничего удивительного, мне на днях прислали подтверждение

when you click on the link provided, though, you get

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

это он написал в 1953-м... цитирует Henry W. Lawrence, "Peace Costs Too Much," Christian Century, October 10, 1934, p. 1279:
The harmonizing of national policies must deal with fundamentals; with the things that commonly have caused wars. The moral right to keep on possessing the best regions of the earth is directly balanced by the right to fight and capture them. 
It is amazing that so few people will admit this axiom of international morality. Popular opinion is widely befogged in the more comfortable countries by the childish notion that an aggressive war is wicked but a defensive war is righteous. 
They are, of course, precisely equal in moral quality, so long as war is the only adequate instrument by which vested wrongs can be righted and national needs supplied. The next rational step toward a tolerable world peace would be the broadcasting of this truth throughout Great Britain, France, and the United States. It is already familiar to the peoples of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
available online here

see also Smear Bund and this pdf from CIA archives funny enough; quoted here.


Покорность (роман) - ну что ж, Уэльбек зажигает. первый действительно неплохой романчик. романом его назвать сложно, не так много чего происходит. не уверен, что я понял, зачем он напихал так много Гюисманса, но это не мешает, все довольно органично. секс и еда в больших количествах (особенно еда) - все по правилам французской висцеральности, тоже не раздражает.

очень пристойный перевод, одна Марина Зонина. "вернуться к статусу обыкновенного подотчетного лица", стр. 327 - просто супер, молодец Марина. на стр. 323 испанское tetas y culo дано без перевода, потому что правильный перевод - сиськи и письки, Марина постеснялась.

ну и вообще живенько, и довольно забавно местами. чувство юмора у него присутствует, не без издевательской нотки. вот, к примеру
Я сам чувствовал, что с годами Ницше становится мне ближе, видимо это неизбежно, когда возникают проблемы с сантехникой. - стр. 314
так что Уэльбеку - зачет, это не дурацкие пелевинские каламбурения [upd 01/01/21: приношу извинения Пелевину и беру свои слова назад - после S.N.U.F.F.]. издано, как это пока что принято у русских, отлично.

см. также “Покорность” Мишеля Уэльбека


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

self-cleaning vagina

The vagina is self-cleaning – so why does the 'feminine hygiene' industry exist?

> products ... play on women’s fears about being dirty or smelly

simple: dirty is new clean, smelly is new fragrant

just read The Guardian

comments to the article are closed. i wonder why...

community organizer

community organizer - отвратительная формулировка, вроде как инструктор райкома, только хуже

Обама с этого начинал

еще одна скверная конструкция - Judeo-Christian. это как и рыбку съесть, и на хуй сесть [А.С. Пушкин Собр. соч. в 10 тт. Т. 9, - 72. П.А. Вяземскому]

gutless in New Yorker

Steve Bannon: New Yorker’s Editor ‘Was Gutless When Confronted by the Howling Online Mob’

The New Yorker Bannon Scandal – Buying Stock in Outrage Inc.

Huh. Call me old-fashioned. But I would have thought that the point of a festival of ideas was to expose the audience to ideas. If you only invite your friends over, it’s called a dinner party. - Malcolm Gladwell

Monday, September 3, 2018

Corbyn ups & downs

things are getting hairy

. Corbyn ally who ranted about 'Jewish Trump fanatics' WINS re-election to Labour's ruling committee

. Labour expels Jewish anti-Zionist Tony Greenstein

. Anti-Zionist expelled by Labour is at centre of pro-Jeremy Corbyn demonstration

see anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn

upd 09/11: Lord Sugar says Mr Corbyn won't stop anti-Semitism because he 'doesn't care'. ну да, лорд Шугар. он же - Цукерман, Цукерберг и просто Сахаров.
— Айсберги! — говорил Митрич насмешливо. — Это мы понять можем. Десять лет как жизни нет. Все Айсберги, Вайсберги, Айзенберги, всякие там Рабиновичи.
нет ли тут антисемитизма.

Identical Strangers

Three Identical Strangers - 2018 documentary.
The three brothers were born to a single mother in 1961. At the direction of a Jewish adoption agency and psychiatrists Viola Bernard and Peter B. Neubauer, the infant triplets were intentionally placed with families of different economic levels — one blue-collar, one middle-class, and one upper-class — which had each adopted a baby girl from the same agency two years earlier.
Identical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and Reunited - a 2008 book about identical twins, separated as infants, in part, to participate in a "nature versus nurture" twin study.
Viola Bernard, a renowned New York City psychiatrist, had persuaded Louise Wise Services, the adoption agency, to send twins to different homes, without telling the respective adoptive parents that the children would be separated. Then, researchers sponsored by the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services secretly compared their progress.

Documentary outs secret twin study, but mystery remains:
Josefowitz moved to Switzerland in 1965 and fell out of touch with the twin study, which was never published, purportedly, in part, to protect the identities of the subjects. After Neubauer died in 2008, all the materials were placed at Yale University under the guardianship of the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services, which had helped establish his Child Development Center. The papers were to be sealed until 2065, presumably when the participants, born in the early 1960s, would no longer be living.

see also Nature Versus Nurture: The heartbreaking experiment of triplets separated at birth

Enter Haaretz: Movie Review: Does ‘Three Identical Strangers’ Play Fair?
The long-lost brothers immediately bond and entertain audiences with stories of all they have in common: They smoke the same cigarettes, all became wrestlers, each has the same taste in women (whatever that means). Two of the brothers, now in their mid-50s, appear on camera to describe, in honest and moving terms, their whirlwind reunion and the ensuing media frenzy.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

danse diplomatique


see also awkward curtsy

а также гуманитарная интервенция

The Guardian успокаивает: Nothing to be ashamed of: in praise of female awkwardness

casualties of war

'The first casualty, when war comes, is truth' - это сказал Hiram Johnson

от себя добавлю: вторая жертва войны - чувство юмора.