Катерина Шибиневич
см. также по-моему, всё таки (sic!)
DURING the crisis of June 1940, the French Government led by Paul Reynaud, having abandoned Paris and making its uneasy way towards Tours and Bordeaux, left strict instructions with the Prefect of Police in Paris, Roger Langeron: he was to stay in the city, along with his whole force of agents de ville, in order to forestall the possibility of a Communist coup in the absence of the Government. - The Fall of Paris, by Alistair Horne
They were to await the arrival of the German military command so as to ensure that no barricades went up in Clichy, Belleville, and the eastern and south-eastern suburbs. Of course there was no hint of a coup, and, at the time, the French Communist Party was largely leaderless and in full disarray. Monsieur Langeron contacted the German authorities as soon as they arrived, assuring them that the Paris police force of 15,000 was at their disposal. Order was preserved.
According to Vladimir Nabokov, Salvador Dalí was “really Norman Rockwell’s twin brother kidnapped by gypsies in babyhood.” But actually there were triplets: the third one is Stephen King. - Margaret Atwoodну что ж, Дали таки раскрасил Caprichos
- Кашпировский сказал мальчику: "Брось костыли и иди!". Мальчик бросил и пошёл.
- А чем он болел?
- Простудой.
- А костыли зачем?
- Бабушке нёс.
In general they were not aware that much of what they said had been said before, and was even in the public record as such. It was as if there were only so many things humans could say, and over the course of history, people had therefore said them already, and would say them again, but not often remember this fact. - Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinsonисключительно идиотская книга, но, как уже отмечено ранее, даже в самой идиотской книге есть хотя бы один абзац, заслуживающий внимания.
см. также все уже сказано
It took a woman, the mathematician Daina Taimina at Cornell University, to discover hyperbolic crochet and to give mathematicians a tangible model of this form.see also Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare. and The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
A beautiful example of mathematical pattern-play can be seen with the great Islamic mosaicists who decorated mosques and palaces such as the Alhambra Palace in Granada ... Long before European geometers...
Proof that studying equations isn’t the only path to mathematical insight also comes to us from Africa, where craftsmen discovered fractals centuries ago.
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There are times when what is to be said looks out of the past at you – looks like someone at a window and you in the street as you walk along. Past hour, past acts, take on an uncanny isolation; between them and you who look back on them now there's no continuity.mentioned in our favorite sentences
Каких свершений, издевательств, каких мук я ещё ожидал? Не знаю. Но я твёрдо верил в то, что не прошло время жестоких чудес..
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A report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham said more than 1,400 children had been groomed, trafficked and raped in the town over a 16-year period
Во время работы в СССР был уволен несколько раз из-за конфликтов с коллегами (в частности со своим научным руководителем В. В. Болотиным, который способствовал увольнению Фабриканта). - Фабрикант, Валерий Иосифовичспособствовал увольнению...
Иммигрировал в Канаду из СССР в 1979 году. С 1980 года работал в Университете Конкордия доцентом кафедры инжиниринга (associate professor of mechanical engineering).
Стал печально известен тем, что 24 августа 1992 года на рабочем месте убил из револьвера четверых своих коллег и ранил ещё одного.
Жертвы, как он утверждает, препятствовали его введению в штат постоянных профессоров и добивались его увольнения.