In January 1865, Milyutin wrote to the Asiatic Department: 'It is unnecessary for us to beg the forgiveness of ministers of the English crown for each advance that we make. They do not hasten to confer with us when they conquer whole kingdoms and occupy foreign cities and islands, nor do we ask them to justify what they do.' - pg. 312, The Great Game
Милютин возмущенно писал: «Нет никакой необходимости приносить извинения английскому министру за наше вторжение. Они не церемонятся с нами, завоевывая целые королевства, покоряя иностранные города и острова; мы же не спрашиваем их, почему они так поступают». - Борьба за влияние в Персии. Дипломатическое противостояние России и Англии
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see also The 1842 Kabul Retreat (or Massacre of Elphinstone's Army)
also on pg. 274: 'Tears, supplications, were of no avail,' one young officer recalled. 'Fierce oaths were the only answer. ...impossible to prevent under such circimstances regrettably were common to all wars.