Thursday, June 13, 2019

ask Masha Gessen

What should I ask Masha Gessen? - interesting comments, especially from Steve Sailer

Ask her about my theory that much of feminism since the seminal, as it were, year of 1969 represents Jewish women being angry at their own families over personal issues, such as sibling rivalries with their brothers (whom Jewish parents traditionally tended to invest in more), but then redirecting their anger outward in the interest of ethnic harmony toward Society and The Patriarchy and other abstraction.

I can recall from a few decades ago a Jewish lady comedienne (Rita Rudner?) and her joke about driving her aged mother to her weekly mahjong game:

"To a Jewish mother, her second favorite phrase, after 'My son the doctor,' is 'My daughter drove me.'"
also these:

. The economic ecology of Jews as a rural service minority
. Money lending and the origins of anti-Semitism
. Why are so many Russian Jews Republicans? [this one is from 2011]

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