Sunday, June 9, 2019

problematizing and rethinking

The Möbius strip has the advantage of showing the inflection of mind into body and body into mind, the ways in which, through a kind of twisting or inversion, one side becomes another. This model... provides a way of problematizing and rethinking the relations between the inside and the outside of the subject, its psychical interior and its corporeal exterior, by showing not their fundamental identity or reducibility but the torsion of the one into the other, the passage, vector, or uncontrollable drift of the in side into the outside and the outside into the inside.

- Elizabeth Grosz, Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism
это пишет знатная феминистка Elizabeth Grosz, professor of Women's Studies and Literature at Duke

интересно, она читала про торсионные поля, или сама придумала

название книги кое-что напоминает: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity

журнал Social Text тоже издавался в Duke University.

Это вы нарочно? - спросил Остап


problematizing my ass

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