Sunday, June 17, 2018

good joke

Frank protested that Einstein invented the positivist approach to physics in his theories of relativity. "A good joke should not be repeated too often," - Einstein replied. - pg 173

While it's hard to say what Bohr's position actually was—there's a small mountain of papers attempting to decipher his views on any given subject, and few of them agree... - pg 176

- What is Real by Adam Becker
вот уж действительно “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

"What, precisely, Kuhn advocated in place of positivism is not entirely clear." - pg 183

see also
. My aim is to sort out, in at least a preliminary way, what precisely Kuhn can mean by 'incommensurability'...
. There have been major arguments about what precisely Kuhn meant by “different worlds”...

@ various sources

...pulling a few strings he managed to get her passport back... - pg 65 Einstein pulled some strings to set Bohm free.

вообще книжка очень познавательная в плане воздействия политики на науку и относительно общей атмосферы в American & European academia. как делаются дела, как себя вести.
The Everett interpretation explains well how the computer's behaviour follows from its having delegated subtasks to copies of itself in other universes. - pg 253 [this is David Deutsch saying - vs]
see also in accordance with his wishes

краткое изложение событий, связанных с альтернативными интерпретациями оснований квантовой механики - тут: The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in Postwar Transatlantic Physics [On the influence of the United States on the lack of interest in alternative interpretations of quantum mechanics, 1950 – 1970] see longer quotes @ permanent position

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