The mayor says he is trying to address what is undoubtedly a heartbreaking problem: the gross underrepresentation of black and Latino students at Stuyvesant and schools like it. In 2016 black and Latino students constituted 44 percent of the kids who took the test (and 65 percent of the New York City school population). Yet they make up just 4 percent of Stuyvesant students and 15 percent of students at the specialized high schools overall.Boaz Weinstein - о многом говорящая фамилия...
The issue, of course, is sufficient racial diversity. Asians make up 75 percent of Stuyvesant students and 62 percent of specialized high school students overall. Last week Richard Carranza, the mayor’s new schools chancellor, put it this way: “I just don’t buy into the narrative that any one ethnic group owns admission to these schools.”
- No Ethnic Group Owns Stuyvesant. All New Yorkers Do. By Boaz Weinstein
в комментариях там: What deBlasio is doing is turning Democrats into Republicans. а хочет DeBlasio отменить тест, по результатам которого определяется доступ в Stuyvesant.
читать The Bell Curve никто не желает, конечно.
картинка тоже познавательная. да и Bernard Chow - говорящая фамилия. Фонвизин бы не пропустил случая.
Bernard Chow and other activists protesting a plan to revamp admissions to New York City’s specialized high schools. Credit Kevin Hagen for The New York Times

забавно, что следом за этой статьей NYT разместила De Blasio’s Plan for NYC Schools Isn’t Anti-Asian. It’s Anti-Racist. пора запасаться попкорном

watch Stuyvesant and SHSAT
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