Tuesday, June 26, 2018

on Gopnik

Gopnik is of course a brilliant writer in his way, but his way tends, as Rick Brookhiser aptly put it, to make his own sensibility the measure of all things. He's a classic example of the cosmopolitan as provincial: He has something clever to say about everything under the sun, but where something more than cleverness is called for he's often at a loss, or else inappropriately facile. His breadth is astonishing, his depth considerably less so; he's a liberal ironist who often seems unable to imagine how anyone could have ever been anything else. - Gopnik on Chesterton (I)

cosmopolitan as provincial напоминает провинциальность, описанную Cuddihy в The Ordeal of Civility, а unable to imagine напоминает “Liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them.”

Gopnik, Remnick, Masha Gessen - вот, в общем, и весь New Yorker

нет ли тут антисемитизма

see also Gopnik on Chesterton (II) and now available The troubling genius of G. K. Chesterton.

коротко о прессе: евреи пишут о евреях для евреев. остальное - примечания. © впс

см. также The Goldwater Takedown и для полноты картины Ralph Ginzburg (Wiki) и Ralph Ginzburg (jewage.org)

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