и правда penetrating stroke of logicWynne-Edwards, with a penetrating stroke of logic, once wrote that a "hereditary compulsion to comply" must be the real key to social organization. Could none be satisfied with less than alpha, then society would become impossible. But his logic proceeded: any such innate compulsion cannot come about by direct inheritance.Since in most animal groups the alphas, through the privilege of rank, have not only greater access to females but generate in the female more insistent sexual desire, then the alphas, throughout generations, must leave descendants out of proportion to their number. If inheritance proceeded directly, then the capacity for subordination would soon be bred out of a species.
But observation reveals no such tendency. Whether we consider mice or we consider men, as Levi-Strauss pondered his Nambikwara, the proportion of alpha-tending and subordinate-tending remains about the same in every generation. The distribution of the trait, Wynne-Edwards concluded, must be controlled by group selection, occurring by random incidence in any gene pool. "The tendency to comply is renewed in every subsequent generation."
The Social Contract, by Robert Ardrey, pg 99
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Seronera Lodge, is familiar to many visitors to the Serengeti. A lioness came into heat and Schaller enlisted for the duration. The two alpha males reported likewise for duty. One got there first, the other went to sleep. In two and one half days the lioness and the wakeful male copulated 170 times, at a regular rate, around the clock, of about once every twenty minutes. After Number One Hundred and Seventy, the male, for reasons scarcely obscure, disappeared into the bush. His partner woke up and, since the lioness was obviously not yet appeased, took over. - pg 116for reasons scarcely obscure

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