это картинка из france24, геройский Макрон shifts stance on police violence. a BBC поясняет для невежд: France shooting: Macron accuses rioters of exploiting teen killed by police. а DW называет вещи своими именами: France riots: 45,000 police deployed to restore order
а вот и Gray Lady вмешалась: France Splits Into Rival Camps Over Police Shooting of a Teenager - што ж, пора уже.
но самое трогательное вот: Macron Blames Video Games For Riots
а впереди выходные.
What is needed in France is a stunning display of force. @DarrenJBeattie
ну и в завершение - снова из france24: Who was Nahel M., the teenager shot dead by French police?
He was "everything" to his mother, a quiet boy in his Paris neighbourhood, struck down by a policeman's bullet that has sparked riots and soul searching in a country where police have long faced accusations of singling out minorities.
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