Saturday, September 29, 2018

withdraw ads

“The thing that especially upsets me is that apparently there was all this pressure from university presses who said they were going to withdraw their ads from the Review because of publishing this piece, which just makes steam come out of my ears.” - Gerald Howard, an executive editor at publisher Doubleday as quoted in How one article capsized a New York literary institution

Buruma spoke with detached fatalism of how he’d been “convicted on Twitter,” a victim of the Review’s “capitulation to social media and university presses.” He said Hederman had told him university press publishers, driven by campus politics, were threatening a boycott. - The Backlash to the Backlash at The New York Review of Books [see the paragraph starting with Fear of protest from university presses may have played a part in Hederman’s decision]

see section Advertising in Propaganda model

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