Tuesday, July 24, 2018

modest and blurry

Dobzhansky didn't want to do away with the concept of races completely. He wanted people to see them for just how modest and blurry they really were. Dobzhansky defined races as nothing more than “populations which differ in the frequencies of some gene or genes." - pg 206, She Has Her Mother's Laugh by Carl Zimmer
этого отрывка вполне достаточно, чтобы понять, чем Carl Zimmer занимается на 672-х страницах

pp. 210-213 - so much muddle one doesn't need to know anything about genetics to understand it's all junk

see on breeds and races

и очень кстати BuzzFeed разъясняет Райху How Not To Talk About Race And Genetics: Reich frames his argument... This misrepresents... Reich critically misunderstands and misrepresents... в общем напоминает центральную Правду. [see @charlesmurray]
Guns and slavery grew even more intertwined in the Galton family fortune. By the 1750s, the Galtons were delivering more than twenty-five thousand guns a year to European traders, who sold the weapons to African states engaged in increasingly bloody battles. The warring states captured prisoners in the fights, and then sold them to European slave traders. Before long, they demanded to be paid for the slaves with more guns instead of gold. - pg 287

еще исключительно идиотская глава The Teachable Ape, на стр 448-450 про то, как европейцы пытались пересечь Австралию с юга на север и все погибли, потому что не могли найто воду и еду, а местное племя Yandruwandha все это находило с легкостью. это к тому, что европейцы тупы вместе с их хваленой культурой. как в том анекдоте: "Ну что, помог ему его английский?"

сбивается на развлекательный и псевдо-разговорный стиль:
Failure is common in science. - pg 552
"Yeah, do it" was the consensus, Bier recalled. "Be careful, but do it." pg 554

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