Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Why does a strong nation strike against a weaker one? Usually because it seeks to impose its ideology, increase its power, or gain control of valuable resources. Shifting combinations of these three factors motivated the United States as it extended its global reach over the past century and more. This book examines the most direct form of American intervention, the overthrow of foreign governments. --Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer
Introduction gives a good enough idea. [pdf / gbooks] Kinzer is a very productive author, tons of interesting books.

American annexation of Hawaii should be compared with the Boer Wars, almost same time, and same reasons. see also bayonet constitution and Newlands Resolution. крымнаш в общем 😁

следующая глава - про американо-испанскую войну и оккупацию Кубы, очень саркастичная. к ней хорошее дополнение - статья в Wiki American propaganda of the Spanish–American War. и про Филиппины познавательно.

- Nicaragua: "Oh, Mr. President. Do not let so great an achievement suffer from any taint of legality,"

- Honduras: President Taft personally ordered the charges against Bonilla dropped. also read about Zemurray.

- Iran: [British] appealed unsuccessfully to the United Nations Security Council

- к главе про Чили интересное дополнение ITT’s spectacular rise and fall

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