Friday, February 3, 2023


Those middle-aged women by the slots--where did they get such mean faces? How did they get to look so much alike? These were the disdained bus people, the day-trippers. They came from all over, but they were row-house people, nothing about them to suggest open spaces or freedom of any sort. They had the downcast expressions of people who had aged harshly, trapped by trivial certainties. These were the wives of salaried men, their lives fixed to incomes rather than to dreams. --Indecent Proposal
да, я это видел в Атлантик Сити, тогда еще курили везде, год был 90-й или около того. зрелище жуткое. пепельницы , полные окурков. запах... и сосредоточенные [purposeful and fierce] лица женщин средних лет у игровых автоматов.
“I can,” she said. “Somehow I expected something like this to happen. You’ve always wanted to be rich. You’ve prayed for it and now your prayers have been answered, in a cruel sort of way, of course. But then, you expect your God to be cruel, so He is. Yes, there’s a price. There’s always a price. But you’re not giving up that much. What’s sex? Another bodily function.” -p. 107
somehow i cannot remember this sort of a conversation in the movie. will have to watch again.
“I’ll always know you had been with another man.”

“You already know. I was married before, remember? So were you.” -p. 109

As for Joan, I could not get the measure of her sincerity. Surely, I thought, she was playing me, testing me, judging me. The truth was there, behind that smile she kept flaring on and off. But I did not know what it was, the truth. I did not know the truth about Joan. Maybe there was no truth, about her, about me, about anybody. Maybe there was no such thing as a steadfast heart. -p. 111

wow he even quotes Thoreau in the beginning of Chapter 11:
‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind.’
глава 13 про Филадельфию. глава 14 - про нацистов - и мыло. мыло, Карл!.

She was the product of manners over feelings. - p. 154 ну и далее там Where I came from people anguished. - курсив в оригинале. Sometimes I needed conflict. I sought the drama of my youth. - сказано ведь Если женщину долго не мучать - она начинает мучаться сама. что там Вейнингер писал о сходстве евреев и женщин...

She knew--and this was the only difference--she knew how to manage pain. She made herself cheerful. The worse things got, the more cheerful she became.

She was not a contented woman...what woman was?

Fun, after all, was America’s religion. Remove fun and we’re no different from the Russians. (Talk to a Russian about fun.)


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