Saturday, June 27, 2020

dangerous virtue signaling

Some astronomers have sent megawatt signals to other star systems saying 'here we are!'

Here's a recent paper where we argued that active 'Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence' (METI) is the most dangerous virtue signaling ever done by humanity

a few comments:
- And if they want to take over, let them. They can't be any worse.
- Can't be any worse? Are you sure of that?

- If your in the jungle you listen, you don’t shout out.
The Evolutionary Psychology of Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Are There Universal Adaptations in Search, Aversion, and Signaling?
At a more abstract level, we propose that “intellectual disgust” may have evolved to avoid exposure to bad ideas, malicious gossip, biased hearsay, stupid memes, logical fallacies, alternative facts, and “fake news.”
And perhaps more bruising to our intellectual egos, our proudest cultural achievements conveyed through METI may not provoke intellectual disgust and meme-containment protocols, merely boredom.
see also Good news, Montezuma

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