Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Great Unwashed

He doesn't understand why "facts don't penetrate" the Great Unwashed. Imagine the unbearable burden of having to carry around "facts" that won't "penetrate." The sheer immensity of it. @a_centrism

By the way, David Remnick turned the New Yorker into the airless repository of fashionable left-wing politics that it is today. Prior to that, it was a reasonable (if staid) liberal magazine that cared more about fiction, poetry, and culture than pamphleteering.
he's commenting on this:
David Remnick to @brianstelter: "We have a country that's split. And to the great frustration of people like you and people like me, we don't somehow understand why the evidence of things, why facts, don't penetrate so many of our brothers and sisters in #America."
deplorables... here... или иначе говоря ватники

see also on Gopnik, very relevant

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