это нарисовал Норман Рокуэлл, да-да, картину Поллока на стене тоже он нарисовал: Norman Rockwell made fun of Jackson Pollock by painting the same way
ссылка на этот материал - в первом же комментарии к статье The Avant-Garde’s Slide into Irrelevance. сама статья умеренно интересная, но комментарии забавные. в частности упоминается Salvador Dali is really Norman Rockwell’s twin brother kidnapped by gypsies in babyhood. – V. Nabokov
в комментарии ga gamba упоминается одна Tracey Emin, но самое главное - Minus: Appointment of National Gallery Kaywin Feldman as its next director, и последующий обмен репликами вплоть до Kaywin Feldman’s priorities - wow!
жж“Without direct intervention, museums will continue to replicate societal patterns of oppression such as sexism, racism, and ableism. It will take an intentional and comprehensive strategy to transform museum practices towards greater gender equity. It is time for a new intersectional feminist agenda that focuses on increased representation for women of color and gender minorities, and closes the gendered leadership gap. It is time to move women and gender minorities in the field from presence to power.”
- Presence and Power: Beyond Feminism in Museums by Elisabeth Callihan & Kaywin Feldman
и для справки: Why Art Became Ugly
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