Thursday, December 17, 2015

ultimately uplifting

On this day in 1862, during the Civil War, U.S. Army General Ulysses S. Grant, the future 18th president of the United States, issues General Order No. 11, expelling Jews suspected of engaging in war profiteering from a region occupied by the Union Army. -
трогательная статья на эту тему в, в одном абзаце дважды встречается слово ultimately:
...ugly, barely remembered yet surprisingly ultimately uplifting chapter in American history. The incident ultimately helped affirm the notion that no official state religion exists.
а в самом начале автор заодно оттоптался на республиканцах:
A presidential candidate feels free to declare that reading John F. Kennedy’s 1960 campaign speech in support of walling off church and state makes him “want to throw up”...
ну да, barely remembered, я понимаю

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