Monday, March 1, 2021

Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War

When Osaki turned ten, a recruiter stopped by and offered her 300 yen upfront if she would agree to go abroad. The recruiter did not try to trick her; even at age 10, she knew what the job entailed. She discussed it with her brother, and decided to take the work to help him establish himself in farming. She travelled to Malaysia, and worked as a maid for three years. She was happy, she recalled. Her family fed her white rice and fish every day, which was more than the three abandoned children had been able to scavenge in Amakusa.

At age 13, she began working for the family as a prostitute. Because of the cost of passage and three years of room and board, she now owed 2000 yen. Under the new terms, customers paid 2 yen for a short stay and 10 yen for an overnight visit. The brothel owner kept half the amount, and provided room and board. Out of the remaining half, she paid down her outstanding balance and bought cosmetics and clothing. If she worked hard, she found that she could repay about 100 yen a month.

это из Contracting for sex in the Pacific War by J. Mark Ramseyer

via Хайп на острой теме, с использованием теории игр у одного Konstantin Sonin [Went to Школа 57, кстати], он там упоминает 10-летних девочек, захлебываясь от морального негодования. там, конечно, и холокост в дело пошел, и деланое возмущение использованием дорогой сердцу автора теории игр, а в комментариях - и катынь с голодомором, и чего там только нет.

Resources on "Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War" in the International Review of Law and Economics - broadside, там можно все ссылки найти: и nyt, и newyorker отметились, конечно

это, думаю, не в последнюю очередь борьба с попытками Японии вести себя более независимо

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