Sunday, January 13, 2013

respectable Jewish attorney

Handed the indictment, Dr Robert Ley’s first reaction was to ask for defence counsel, preferably ‘a respectable Jewish attorney.’ - Ibid.

стоит отметить, что Google возвращает всего 3 ссылки по запросу ‘respectable Jewish attorney’

Ирвинг не упускает случая развлечься на счет победителей:
General Eisenhower had turned down the requests of the British judges, Lawrence and Birkett, to bring their wives over from England into his theatre. Both were gloomy about it, and threatened repercussions through the Foreign Office; but the supreme commander probably feared even worse repercussions if Mamie were allowed to come over, and stood firm against creating any precedent.

как и подобает порядочному человеку, шуток относительно побежденных Ирвинг себе за редким исключением не позволяет. вот разве приведенная выше по поводу доктора Лея.

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